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Hatewatch Headlines 3/20/2017

Parents tell winning robotics team to ‘go back to Mexico’; Ex-FAIR chief now heads up CBP staff; Times editor falls for alt-right harassment campaign; and more.

: Indiana parents tell kids from winning team at robotics competition: ‘Go back to Mexico.’

: Former executive for hate group FAIR is now chief of staff for U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

: Inside Trump’s border crackdown on women and kids, and the effects it has on families.

: The alt-right’s intellectual force as a global phenomenon combines elements of fascism, nativism, and supremacism.

: New York Times’ public editor falls for alt-right harassment campaign against reporter.

: Georgia lawmakers add anti-LGBT measure to legislation regulating adoptions.

: Prosecutor won’t charge prison guards who boiled a mentally ill black inmate to death.

: Even after racist remarks, Rep. Steve King maintains support in his home district.

: Islamophobic activist John Guandolo wonders if radical Muslims have infiltrated the White House.

: That time Jason Kander totally owned Richard Spencer in a Twitter exchange.

: Police officer winds up with broken wrists after scuffle with white supremacist.

: Alleged neo-Nazi behind attack on two men outside tavern makes bail, is released from Rikers Island.

: Onetime militia-promoting ‘tea party’ congressman Steve Stockman facing federal fraud charges.

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