Hatewatch Headlines 4/10/2017
Alt-right turns against Trump over Syria strike; How Cernovich moved from fringe to White House; Virginia candidate says Confederate flag isn’t racist; and more.
: Trump’s alt-right supporters turn on him angrily over Syrian missile strike.
: Anti-Semitism continues to trouble America, and Trump continues his silence.
: By wearing their medal, Sebastian Gorka made Nazi-linked Vitezi Rand ‘proud.’
: How Mike Cernovich moved from the extreme fringes of the Internet to the White House.
: Donald Trump, Jews and the myth of race: How Jews gradually became ‘white,’ and how that changed America.
: The case of a white supremacist charged with murdering a black man may change how we define terrorism.
: Candidate for Virginia governor says there’s nothing racist about the Confederate flag.
: Daryle Lamont Jenkins is kicking white supremacists’ asses and literally taking names.
: Michele Bachmann claims God gave us Trump as a ‘reprieve’ from dangerous transgender rights.
: Disturbing anti-Semitic voice mail left at Washington University library in St. Louis.
: Right-wing and alt-right media mischaracterize VOA report to lie about Russian hacking.
: ACLU files suit in Wisconsin over denial of coverage for transgender state employees.
: Two men sentenced to prison time for hate-crime beating of black stranger ‘in the name of the White race.’
: Group of retiree ‘Patriot’ bikers confronted protesters as ‘security’ for Rep. Greg Walden.
: Mouthpiece for anti-immigrant hate group greeted by crowd of protesters in Salem, OR.