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Hatewatch Headlines 5/4/2017

Trump freezes grants for anti-extremism programs; Le Pen gets help from American alt-right; Jones says InfoWars has White House credentials; and more.

: Donald Trump reportedly freezes funding for non-Islamist Countering Violent Extremist programs.

: Inside Marine Le Pen’s ‘Foreign Legion’ of American alt-right trolls.

: Racists, slavery apologists, and white nationalists knew exactly what Trump was saying about the Civil War.

: A radical anti-immigration group infiltrated the GOP, and now it’s in the White House.

: Alex Jones says InfoWars has been granted a ‘weekly’ White House press pass, ‘regular’ press credentials are ‘pending.’

: Alt-right troll Mike Cernovich goes professional with new hosting gig at InfoWars.

: Alabama ‘Confederate White House’ history tour covers Civil War, cotton, but not slaves.

: New York man who attacked Asian pedestrian, shouting ‘this is white power,’ charged with hate crime.

: Mississippi funeral home demonstrates what legal anti-gay discrimination looks like.

: Supporters of Cliven Bundy case defendants rally outside courthouse.

: Mesa police won’t cancel Islamophobic ‘training,’ and signs point to county attorney’s involvement.

: Kevin Swanson warns that the goal of public schools is to turn kids into transgender communists.

: Baylor fraternity suspended after ‘Cinco de Drinko’ where partiers dressed as maids, construction crews.

: Couple plead not guilty to charges in UW shooting during Milo Yiannopoulos speech.

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