Hatewatch Headlines 5/15/2017
Extremists on TV to defend vote-suppression panel; Torch-bearing mob protests monument removal; Kentucky rulings mixed for anti-LGBT groups; and more.
: Right-wing media turn to extremists, misinformers, and hacks to defend Trump’s voter-suppression panel.
: Torch-wielding protesters descend upon park where Confederate monument may be removed.
: Mayor targeted with anti-Semitic tweets after he criticizes pro-Confederate marchers.
: White supremacy is everywhere, so how do we fight a concept so thoroughly embedded in our culture?
: Tortured Kentucky court rulings bring mixed results for anti-LGBT groups.
: Study finds that conspiracy theorists may just be lonely and looking for more meaning in life.
: Video of two white men apparently lynching black woman goes viral, but Facebook only marks it ‘mature.’
: Even after Trump’s win, militiamen forming ‘Redoubt’ in central Washington expect to battle the left.
: Gordon Klingenschmitt claims the Democratic Party requires its members to demon-possessed and ‘serve the devil.’
: Islamophobic presenter at library yells at questioner, tells him to ‘shut up.’
: Couple faces hate crime charges for luring Hispanic man to home where he is attacked.
: Local alt-right blogger sentenced to community service after assault charge.
Florida man charged with threatening Iowa officials after grandchildren removed from home.