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Hatewatch Headlines 5/31/2017

Portland train attacker confesses to stabbing; Right-wing terrorist threat is rising; Judge slams Trump for deportation order; and more.

: Man accused in train attack confesses to stabbing, said ‘I’m happy now. I’m happy now.’

: Muslim families raise $500,000 for families of Portland train-attack victims.

: ‘In the face of hate he did not hesitate to act with love’: A grieving mother’s letter to Trump.

: Tucker Carlson says it’s unfair to call the Portland attacker a white supremacist.

: Neo-Nazi website defends accused Portland train attacker by claiming victims were to blame.

: Where the rising threat of right-wing extremist terrorism is coming from.

: Federal judge slams Trump for ‘ripping apart a family’ through deportation orders.

: Vice President Mike Pence scheduled to speak at conference hosted by extremist pastor John Hagee.

: How I got alt-right white nationalist leader booted from his podcast platform.

: Activists target Cloudflare for enabling hate sites, and the pressure starts to mount.

: PayPal investigating account of neo-Nazi group that supports Hezbollah.

: Game show host Chuck Woolery accused of anti-Semitism after Twitter posts about Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin.

: Hispanic caucus calls on DHS to remove immigration hardliner as ombudsman.

: Residents outraged after white supremacists put up posters in Virginia neighborhood.

: As hate crimes rise in LA, new report says ‘hard left’ actions also pose a threat.

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