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Hatewatch Headlines 6/27/2017

ADF ‘wedding cake’ case makes it to high court; White nationalists invade racial-justice seminar; Immigration crackdown a harbinger of high food prices; and more.

: Supreme Court to hear wedding-cake case brought by anti-LGBT hate group ADF.

: Trio of domestic-terrorism cases sheds stark light on the systematic skew favoring right-wing extremists.

: White nationalists storm South Florida racial-justice seminar, horrify participants.

: Kalkaska protesters argue about hate and freedom of speech in response to FB posts.

: Trump’s racist fans turn on each other over their ‘so pathetic’ competing weekend rallies.

: Eric Trump’s new haircut reminds Twitter of a certain white nationalist.

: Trump’s crackdown on immigration is terrible news for anyone who eats food.

: Trump ally Michael Savage compares refugees and immigrants to lions ‘tearing entrails out the anus.’

: Pepe the Frog’s creator announces plans to ‘resurrect’ cartoon figure hijacked by the alt-right.

: Tensions flare after Chicago Dyke March demands Star Of David Pride flag carriers leave rally.

: Maryland councilman Peroutka attacked for his apparent connections to white-supremacist League of the South.

: Journalist Patrice O’Neill wins ‘Danny’ award for her dogged work organizing against hate crime.

: Some white ‘Star Trek’ fans are up in arms over the latest entry’s ethnic diversity.

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