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Hatewatch Headlines 7/20/2017

VDare joins other hate groups in smear campaign; Anti-Muslim hate crimes spiking in 2017; Voter purges are coming under Trump’s election commission; and more.

: White nationalist website VDare joins in on right-wing smear campaign against ÈËÊÞÐÔ½».

: Anti-Muslim hate crimes spiked in the first half of 2017, new study reports.

: Under Trump’s new election commission, voter purges are coming.

: In the Trump presidency, Americans glimpse the end times for democracy.

: Is Trump’s vision for America actually a stripped-down police state?

: Congress mysteriously stalls on a resolution to honor the victims of Portland’s MAX stabbing.

: Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington, a critic of multiculturalism, is a prophet for the Trump era.

: NRA TV race-baits members by asking whether white people are going to be the victims of mass racial violence.

: Neo-Nazi Matthew Heimbach avoids jail time in guilty plea for shoving black protester.

: Caller to Georgia mosque: ‘We are going to kill you.’

: Chicago official sent racist emails about ‘safari’ to see ‘lots of animals in their natural habitat’ in black neighborhood.

: Missouri alderman tells black mayor not to ‘go all NWA’ in argument — then uses bizarre excuse to avoid racism charges.

: Suspected neo-Nazi, ‘anti-fascist’ both arrested in last summer’s Capitol riot.

: Seattle’s music scene is coming together to block appearances by white nationalist bands.

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