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Hatewatch Headlines 7/27/2017

DOJ argues against protections for LGBT workers; Transgender ban reflect rise of hate groups; Report finds sheriffs colluding with nativist groups; and more.

: Justice Department brief argues against protections for LGBT workers.

: How Trump’s sudden transgender military ban reflects rise of anti-LGBT hate groups in White House.

: Right-wing media and hate groups applaud Trump for banning transgender people from serving in the US armed forces.

: Report exposes sheriffs colluding with anti-immigrants to a surprising extent.

: Bundy supporter Gregory Burleson sentenced to 68 years in prison for role in standoff.

: Meet the KKK apologists and anti-Semites who helped build the alt-right.

: Frank Gaffney and the denationalization of American Muslims in Trump’s White House.

: Alt-right figure Charles Johnson asked to appear before Senate Intel committee about role in emails and Russia.

: The pro-Trump media is full of offensive memes and trolls, but is it a hate group?

: Another federal judge knocks Kris Kobach for a ‘pattern’ of misleading statements.

: Ann Coulter, friend of white nationalists, invited to White House to berate Trump on immigration.

: ‘KKK Hate Muslims, We Will Kill You’: Police investigate hateful messages left at home of Muslim family in New York.

: Oregon legislators push nativist initiative to allow local police to enforce federal immigration laws.

: Internal Revenue Service approves parameters for Tea Party group to obtain tax-exempt status.

: Petition calls for replacing a Confederate monument with a manatee memorial.

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