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Hatewatch Headlines 8/3/2017

Dominionists raise a ‘POTUS Shield’ for Trump; Border Patrol ordered to block Congressmen; Miller’s immigration presser pleases Alt-Right; and more.

: Trump’s Dominionist ‘Prayer Warriors’ make a ‘POTUS Shield’ for the ‘Prophetic Order of the United States.’

: Border Patrol staff at airports ordered to block members of Congress during travel ban.

: Pro-Trump trolls and white nationalists praise Stephen Miller’s nativist immigration presser.

: Trump’s radical immigration crackdown won’t help tech.

: Jeff Sessions is likely to prevail in his new crusade against affirmative action.

: An NSC staffer is forced out over a controversial memo about ‘Islamists’ and ‘globalists.’

: PayPal, GoFundMe, and Patreon banned a bunch of people associated with the Alt-Right. Here's why.

: How a goofy Southern sitcom became a vanguard of the neo-Confederacy.

: Company cancels Alt-Right activist Kessler’s liability insurance for ‘Unite the Right’ rally.

: City’s tab for police work at July 8 KKK rally was $32,000.

: Trump nominee Sam Clovis blasted progressives as 'race traders' and 'race traitors' in old blog posts.

: Feds charge girlfriend of neo-Nazi accused of murders with providing him guns.

: OANN uses picture of neo-Nazi Richard Spencer in place of Secretary of Navy nominee.

: Denver community leaders host first forum on preventing hate crimes. 

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