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Is Chief of Staff John Kelly Trying to Stop Trump from Reading Infowars?

The White House chief of staff—retired Marine Gen. John Kelly—may have just given the most difficult directive of his career. 

Kelly reportedly is attempting to ban his boss, President Trump, from his sucking up a daily dose of conspiracy nonsense dished out by Alex Jones, the host of Infowars.

Only weeks into what has to be one of the most difficult jobs on the planet, Kelly has “forbidden aides from bringing President Trump any news stories from InfoWars,”  reports.

That attempt to block Infowars was just confirmed today with this statement on Jones’ site:

“WH Chief of Staff John Kelly is now blocking Infowars articles now blocking Infowars and other non-mainstream news outlets from appearing on President Trump’s desk as he controls the official flow of information to the president. We warned you that the deep state would try to isolate the president from his support base …”

That report came after Politico previously report that Kelly was involved in a “fake news crackdown” as he tries to keep the commander-in-chief, who’s prone to Twitter-outbursts, from filling his head with Jones’ nonsense.

His bold moves may well make Kelly the next target of far-right extremists and white nationalists who think the president is succumbing to global elitists.

Trump has called Jones periodically and heaped praise on him, while calling the so-called “mainstream media” the enemy of the American public.

Among Jones’ more-outlandish claims: There are child-slaves on Mars. The U.S. government was behind the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and more-recent mass killings at schools in Sandy Hook and Columbine.

Jones also has promoted the idea that the government is spraying “chemtrails” in the nation’s skies for population control and that shadowy government operatives are putting chemicals into products to turn children gay.

Most recently, Jones claimed international globalists intent on smearing Trump were the “false flag” behind the racist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Some of Jones’ far-flung fantasies and ideas appear to not only have gotten inside Trump’s brain, they have been regurgitated in his public statements.

Trump claimed during last year’s campaign that Hillary Clinton and President Obama “were the founders of ISIS,” picking up a message that Jones pounded out on Infowars. Trump also picked up Jones’ false claim that “millions of people” voted illegally in the November presidential election.

Not long after being named chief of staff, Kelly apparently saw his biggest task was attempting to control—or at least get advance warning about—tweets sent out at all hours by his boss.

“Kelly has said he would like to know what Trump is planning to tweet before he does so and would prefer that big decisions not be announced on Twitter -- but has privately conceded there will be late-night or early-morning missives he cannot review,”  reported earlier this month.

Kelly apparently knows his up against great odds. 

Politico reports that Kelly knew in advance he would become the new White House gatekeeper, but didn’t know Trump would make the announcement via Twitter aboard Air Force One.

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