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Hatewatch Headlines 9/21/2017

ICE detainees suffer high rate of abuse; Facebook apologizes for ad-targeting mess; Alt-right increasingly riddled with internal divisions; and more.

: Survey says 24 percent of ICE detainees are subject to some type of abuse.

: Facebook apologizes for ‘Jew-hater’ ad-targeting fiasco, tightens ad policies.

: A look at Stone Mountain, its Confederate monument, and its ugly past.

: Disunite the alt-right: A number of divides within the Pepe Coalition are growing.

: There’s no crisis of free speech — Milo and his campus crusade are just opportunistic hypocrisy.

: Inside Matt Heimbach’s longshot plan to win Appalachia over to white nationalism.

: St. Louis cop calls Black Lives Matter ‘Klan with a tan’ and ‘domestic terrorists.’

: Trump judicial nominee said transgender children are part of 'Satan's plan', defended 'conversion therapy'.

: There’s a long roster of Christian nationalists supporting Roy Moore’s Senate candidacy.

: South Dakota GOP whip loses job, speaking gig after Facebook post about running over protesters.

: Group pushes for anti-hate-crime laws in North Dakota after attack on Muslim women.

: Muslim citizens are protected by the Constitution, yet an alarming number of Americans disagree.

: Anti-LGBT hate group ADF attacks Michigan elementary school for trans-inclusive policy.

: Man pleads guilty to anti-LGBT hate-crime attack outside Hillcrest grocery.

: Confederate flag hangs in men’s co-op across from black cultural center in Corvallis.

: South Carolina ex-teacher calls for teaching ‘virtues of slavery’ in shockingly racist letter to the editor.

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