Hatewatch Headlines 10/12/2017
LoS leader involved in Charlottesville arrest; Spencer sees more flash mobs ahead; Would-be airport bomber wanted to ‘fight a war on U.S. soil’; and more.
: Neo-Confederate League of the South leader behind arrest warrant for black man beaten in Charlottesville.
: Matthew Heimbach gears up for follow-up to Charlottesville with Tennessee rally.
: Richard Spencer warns observers to be ready for more flash mobs.
: White man who left bomb at airport wanted to ‘fight a war on U.S. soil.’
: An emboldened KKK is making use of a deeply disturbing, and simple, recruitment tool.
: Alex Jones asks his listeners to give to Infowars instead of their megachurches because of their corruption.
: Feds use right-wing Oath Keepers militia’s videos to prosecute anti-Trump protesters.
: Leading technology companies help extremists to monetize their hatemongering.
: Some simple design tricks for websites can help combat the spread of hate speech.
: A hate group’s anti-LGBT law just went into effect in Mississippi; here’s what you need to know.
: Militia member jailed for five months after arrest on plot, gun charges sentenced to time served, released.
: The death penalty’s ugly, racist roots.