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Hatewatch Headlines 11/14/2017

Moore’s religious-right supporters unwavering; Hate crimes rise again in 2016; ‘OK To Be White’ protesters clash with antifascists; and more.

: Roy Moore’s religious-right supporters continue to stand by their man.

: FBI reports that hate crimes rose for the second straight year in 2016.

: ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ demonstrators on interstate overpass confronted by antifascists.

: Remembering Mulugeta Seraw, and all those killed by the radical racist right.

: Poll finds that almost half of white Southerners believe white people are under attack.

: Alt-right snowflakes play victim in hopes of gaining mainstream sympathy for their nutty theories.

: Sean Hannity turns to white supremacists to help him spite Keurig for pulling ads from his show.

: Immigrants fighting off deportation just got a huge boost in these 11 cities and counties.

: A Minnesota lawmaker attacked a new transgender city council member, and her ‘apology’ was just as bad.

: Racial ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ message found at Coastal Carolina University

: Hate crime investigation seeks man who attacked Brooklyn mosque with a hammer.

: Neo-Nazi Brent Luyster’s son held in contempt of court during father’s murder trial.

: Massachusetts schools wrestle with string of hate-related incidents.

: Vandals put white-supremacist flyers on county Republican party headquarters.

: The American far right turns an intentional blind eye to the ongoing Rohingya ethnic cleansing.

: ‘The Federalist’ humiliated after defending U.S. by rewriting the history of slavery.

: A former classmate recalls Richard Spencer with an especially personal loathing.

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