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Identity Evropa's controversial new ringleader

In a about the alt-right hijacking mainstream brands (in this case, Papa John鈥檚 pizza), the backdrop is a racist shindig at the Alexandria home of National Policy Institute leader Richard Spencer.听

But the white nationalist quoted in the story defending the Nazis鈥 cooption of the brand wasn鈥檛 Spencer, but a 26-year-old named Eli Mosley.

Mosley, whose real name is Elliott Kline, has become a leading figure in the racist alt-right since this summer, when he helped Jason Kessler organize the 鈥淯nite the Right鈥 rally in Charlottesville. Later in August, Mosley took over leadership of Identity Evropa, the white nationalist group known for flyering at college campuses across the nation. And Mosley鈥檚 been a regular presence at Spencer鈥檚 side during his ill-received college campus tour.

Despite Mosley鈥檚 ascension to the upper ranks of the alt-right, he鈥檚 a controversial figure in white nationalist circles, blamed by some former allies for the violent disaster at Charlottesville, and even doxed by his own people, accused of being a Jew.

Like many newer alt-right organizations, Identity Evropa tries to cloak its white supremacist ideology with pseudo-intellectualism meant to appeal to young, white, male college students 鈥 no swastikas here, but clean-cut boys with fashy haircuts and pressed khakis.

But not that long ago, in spring of this year, Mosley a/k/a Kline wasn鈥檛 shy about the bigotry in his polemics whatsoever. In a report for Andrew Anglin鈥檚 Daily Stormer about a pro-Trump demonstration in March, Mosley wrote, 鈥淚n Philadelphia, the city of f------- love, played out an alliance between the Nazi led marchers and local police departments against their oven-dodging enemies鈥 Spoiler, the Nazis won bigly.鈥 He continues, 鈥淭his is a sign that we have moved into a new era in the Nazification of America. Normie Trump supporters are becoming racially aware and Jew Wise.鈥

From Reading, Pennsylvania, Mosley was a member of Gavin McInnes鈥檚 Proud Boys in 2016, later joining Identity Evropa and growing close to its founder, fellow veteran and white supremacist Nathan Damigo, another Spencer ally who gained notoriety for at the April 15 far-right rally in Berkeley. (Damigo also did time in prison for armed robbery after pulling a gun on a cab driver for 鈥渓ooking Iraqi鈥 and stealing $43, resulting in an Other Than Honorable discharge from the Marines.)

Damigo and Mosley were both heavily involved in planning the 鈥淯nite the Right鈥 rally in Charlottesville; Mosley authored the 鈥溾 document instructing racist participants about the weekend鈥檚 plans, including the 鈥渟ecret鈥 torch lit rally on Friday night.

After the violent disaster in Charlottesville, where 32-year-old Heather Heyer was killed by a white supremacist plowing a car into a crowd, fractures in the organizers鈥 alliance appeared. Kessler posted a tweet about how Heyer deserved to die, which drew online condemnation from Mosley and Spencer. Kessler blamed Mosley for the multitudinous failures of the rally, saying, 鈥淭here is an individual who has done a coordinated smear job on me, from within the movement; that person is Eli Mosley, Elliott Kline. From the beginning he was f------ things up.鈥

Nathan Damigo emerged as a casualty of Charlottesville; the negative media attention (he called the violence in Berkeley where he punched a teenager , and Spencer was happy to let him take credit for the latter rally; Damigo鈥檚 family also ). On August 27, Damigo stepped away from Identity Evropa and announced Mosley would take the reins.

Not long after, on the online message board 8chan, fellow white supremacists .

But Mosley and his allies from 鈥淯nite the Right鈥 would soon have bigger trouble on their hands. Mosley is among 21 racist leaders being targeted in two lawsuits, one federal and one in the state of Virginia, seeking damages for the violence in Charlottesville. Some civil lawsuits against hate groups, including ones brought by the 人兽性交, have resulted in the financial decimation of those groups.

Specifically, the federal lawsuit accuses the defendants, Mosley included, of an 鈥渁nti-civil rights conspiracy,鈥 while the state suit says Mosley and Kessler 鈥渟olicited the presence of paramilitary organizations, facilitated attendees鈥 instruction in military techniques, and issued tactical commands to the other alt-right鈥 participants, with the militias鈥 presence violating Virginia law. The state suit cites messages sent by Mosley on the Discord chat app which were .

The threat in the courts hasn鈥檛 slowed or quieted Mosley, though. On October 7, he returned to Charlottesville with Spencer and a contingent of Identity Evropa members for another tiki torch march, replete with chanting, after protesting at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. earlier the same day. Mosley also served as an opening act for Spencer when they were both shouted down at an October 19 appearance at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Mosley called the protesters 鈥渨ild hyenas,鈥 鈥渂rainwashed by anti-white propaganda from their professors, from the media,鈥 .

鈥淭his right here, what you鈥檙e doing, is the best recruiting tool for us that you could possibly ever give us,鈥 he told the crowd of hecklers in Gainesville. True or not, Mosley鈥檚 quest to convert young white males on campus to his racist white nationalist cause continues on.

Eze Amos/Instagram @ezeamosphotography

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