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Hatewatch Headlines 12/4/2017

Trump tweets elevate the far-right fringe; White nationalists protest Steinle verdict; Border vigilantes remake themselves as free-speech protectors; and more.

: Trump has kept the alt-right alive by sending them signals of encouragement.

: Trump’s tweets elevate a tiny fringe group of anti-Muslim haters in Britain.

: Dozens of senators criticize Trump for his anti-Muslim tweets.

: Twitter backtracks on why it didn’t block Trump’s retweets of hate group.

: So far, Twitter is avoiding explaining why far-right accounts in the UK still have blue check marks.

: White nationalists protest Steinle verdict outside White House, are chased away by antifascists.

: Anti-immigrant vigilantes on desert borderlands are rebranding as free-speech defenders.

: Alex Jones warns of a ‘plan to kill’ Trump that will spark a ‘massive civil war in this country.’

: Anti-Semitism fuels far-right response to news of Flynn’s guilty plea in Russia probe.

: Center for Security Policy event closes with anti-refugee take on Niemoller poem.

: ICE tracks down, arrests immigrant who spoke to newspaper about ramped-up enforcement.

: Utah wildfires exposed would-be survivalist’s hidden bunkers containing explosives.

: Cleveland police union chief who hated black NFL protests gets the boot from his rank and file.

: Judge rules that Gresham police were wrong to interrogate suspect in alleged race-motivated killing.

: Ku Klux Klan recruitment flyers show up in Highland County neighborhoods.

: 14 local men arrested, charged in crimes related to Aryan Brotherhood of Texas.

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