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Hatewatch Headlines 12/8/2017

Trump’s enforcers going after non-criminal immigrants; A deep look inside #BLM; Malheur video shows chaos on night of arrests, death; and more.

: Trump is going after immigrants without criminal records in a big way.

: A year inside Black Lives Matter: Neither racist nor violent, but the focus of a new generation of civil rights.

: Video from Malheur Refuge shows occupiers consumed by anger, fear the night of Finicum’s death.

: Cliven Bundy’s fight against the feds has its roots in interpretation of Mormon scripture.

: Betsy DeVos’ voucher schools can teach whatever they want – and it turns out they teach children lies.

: White nationalists on Internet radio are proving to be problematic for advertisers.

: CNN highlights alternative social-media sites that offer a safe space for hate speech.

: Roger Stone gives a shout-out to Donald Trump, Jr., who is ‘probably watching’ Infowars.

: MSNBC backtracks, rehires Sam Seder after firing him in response to Cernovich-led smear campaign.

: In cake-baker’s lawsuit, Justice Kennedy appears set off by true statements about anti-LGBT beliefs.

: Gay man denied marriage license by Kim Davis announces he’s running for her job.

Associated Press: Alabama judge targeted for jailing people who can’t afford to pay court fines.

: Former Bordentown police chief accused of assault and using racial slurs is indicted by grand jury.

: Titusville man gets 15-year sentence for hate crime vandalization of mosque with bacon.

: Gay-hating bar patrons leave a bigoted message for their waiter – and he gets fired for sharing it.

: Kentucky man and accomplice assault ex-girlfriend and two gay men in apparent hate crime.

: Florida pastor celebrates woman’s illness because it prevented Satanic display.

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