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Hatewatch Headlines 12/14/2017

Alt-right despairs over Moore’s defeat; Feds align with far right in ‘J20’ case; Media consistently portray black families as warped; and more.

: Alt-right movement despairs after Roy Moore’s loss, blames it on ‘c---servatives.’

: Inside the J20 prosecution: How the feds are criminalizing dissent, and aligning themselves with the far right.

: A look inside the militia plot to truck-bomb the Somali Muslim community in Garden City, Kansas.

: President Trump’s anti-Muslim tweets are dangerous for the country’s well-being.

: News media offer consistently warped portrayals of black families, study finds.

: ‘This is a culture war’: When it comes to punishment, racial disparities are pervasive.

: A look at the Daily Stormer’s official style guide and playbook.

: Confederate flag group considering legal action after being kicked out of Summerville parade.

: How hate-speech crowdfunding outfit Hatreon managed to creep back online.

: Alex Jones believes Democrats stole the election from Roy Moore by busing in voters and having dead people vote.

: A look back on 12 months that saw Islamophobia reach record levels in Michigan.

: Jon Ritzheimer, convicted Malheur Refuge occupier, plans to run for Congress in Arizona.

: Spokane bar manager badly beaten by racist bigots angry over new black bartender.

: Who’s leading the anti-gay-rights movement in Wyoming? Why, Alliance Defending Freedom, naturally.

: ‘700 Club’ segment features conspiracy theorist’s promise that Trump and ‘Army of God’ will triumph in 2020.

: Conservative campus group defunded after hosting far-right pundit Dennis Prager.

: No, DNA testing companies have not admitted to altering tests to ‘screw with racists’.

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