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Roy Moore's "experts" are a conspiracy theorist and an anti-Semite

Roy Moore, the Republican nominee and extremist who lost the December 12 special senate election in Alabama, has filed a “voter fraud" complaint in the state of Alabama and named an antisemite and conspiracy theorist as two of his voting "experts."

In his complaint Moore is asking for a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction and a new special election. Moore has backed his complaint with affidavits from what he claims are “experts" in elections. One of those experts, Jim Condit, Jr., is an antisemite who has accused “Zionists” of taking over the Catholic Church.

Condit ran for the Green Party ticket in Ohio’s 8th Congressional District in 2016 and lost. He has charged that the Federal Reserve Bank is working to force the United States into a socialistic “New World Order,” accused “Zionists” of infiltrating the Vatican II conference of the 1960s that renounced antisemitism in the Catholic Church and claimed that Israel planned to benefit from the 9/11 terror attacks.

A second “expert,” Richard Charnin, is a conspiracy theorist who has a blog where he posts his theories on the JFK assassination, the 2016 election and the death of DNC staffer Seth Rich.

He has posted on a monthly basis since the election spreading the theory that President Trump won the popular vote in the 2016 election. In a September 19 post Charnin wrote:

"There is evidence that millions of illegals probably voted in 2016… According to Greg Palast, least one million Democratic minority voters were disenfranchised via Crosscheckwhich eliminated voters with duplicate names from voter rolls. He claims that 7 million minority voters were disenfranchised. There is evidence that George Soros , a Clinton backer, controls voting machines in 16 states. Election analyst Bev Harris has posted Fraction Magic, an algorithm used to flip votes on Central tabulators.”

These connections aren’t surprising for Moore, who has elevated his own extreme beliefs above the law at virtually every level of public office he has held. Moore supports laws that would criminalize homosexuality, is a staunch proponent of the racist “birtherism” conspiracy, has advocated for religious tests targeting Muslim Americans, and has said that removing the amendments to the U.S. Constitution following the 10th Amendment — which includes the Equal Protection Clause and amendments that abolished slavery and enfranchised women — would “eliminate many problems” in American society.

Voter fraud has become a repeated mantra in the Trump Administration. Trump appointed Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who moonlights as an attorney for the legal arm of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), to serve as vice-chair of the commission to review claims of voter fraud. 

Today, Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill has certified Doug Jones as winner of the special Senate election.

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