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Hatewatch Headlines 1/4/2018

Klan history sheds light on today’s racism; ‘Weev’ of Jewish descent, Mom says; Trump abruptly dissolves ‘Voter Fraud’ commission; and more.

: What the history of the Ku Klux Klan can tell us about white supremacy today.

: Notorious neo-Nazi hacker ‘Weev’ Auernheimer is of Jewish descent himself, his mother says.

: Trump abruptly dissolves his bogus, Kobach-led Voter Fraud Commission.

: Acting immigration director suggests charging ‘sanctuary cities’ politicians with federal crimes.

: Right-wing media launch racist attacks on the Russia investigation grand jury.

: Editor Mike Wilson reflects, regretfully, on the Richard Spencer controversy.

: Search warrants reveal harrowing scene inside home where neo-Nazi teen murdered couple.

: Christy Teigen and John Legend get caught up in phony ‘Pizzagate’ conspiracy theories.

: Paul Nehlen is having an alt-right-style temper tantrum.

: Former Breitbart writer says editors knew he was anti-Semitic, asked him to delete tweets.

: Washington attorney general sues Motel 6 for sharing guest info with ICE.

: ‘The Punisher’ star says ‘f--- you’ to the alt-righters who appropriated film-and-comic franchise logo.

: No, DACA recipients were not photographed burning an American flag.

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