Hatewatch Headlines 1/5/2018
White nationalists hiding out in academia; Alt-righter charged in train terror attack; Jones hawks a white nationalist children’s primer; and more.
: How white nationalists manage to hide in the halls of academia.
: FBI accuses white supremacist of October terror attack on Amtrak train in rural Nebraska.
: Trump’s voter fraud commission kaput, but Kobach sees work shifting to an agency.
: Alex Jones hawks a pro-Trump picture book that indoctrinates children into white nationalism.
: GOP strategist sees disturbing parallels between Fox News and Nazi propaganda.
: That anti-Muslim gun-range owner has a bright political future leading the next generation of far-right snowflakes.
: Defense in Kansas militia bomb-plot trial wants Trump voters in the jury pool.
: White nationalist Kyle Bristow claims he’s fighting the left with a racist version of the ACLU.
: What I learned on my road trip to meet American homophobia face-to-face.
: The hidden face of hate groups online: A former participant’s perspective.
: We found the Twitter account of the young neo-Nazi accused in a Virginia double homicide.
: Far-right candidate for Wyoming governor says he would arrest federal workers on public lands.
: Fox’s Tucker Carlson blames BuzzFeed and The Root for the rise in white nationalism.
: Why are the media afraid to call Colorado shooter Matthew Riehl a racist, anti-cop terrorist?
: Judge in Oregon standoff case sanctions defendants for making visit to Bundys in Nevada.
: Extremist ex-sheriff David Clarke to join others at far-right ‘Freedom Rally’ in Oregon.
: Judge lowers bond for immigrant tracked down by ICE after speaking to reporters.
: Americans agree that certain behaviors constitute online harassment, but are divided on others.