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YouTube Takes Down Red Ice鈥檚 Main Channel

YouTube removed one of the most prominent video news outlets for white nationalists, Red Ice, from its platform.

Red Ice quickly booted up a backup YouTube channel, posting a video announcing it had been taken down. 鈥淲e鈥檝e lost the YouTube channel today,鈥 Henrik Palmgren, the white nationalist who founded Red Ice in 2003, said Thursday on the backup account.

Red Ice losing its main channel on YouTube, the world鈥檚 largest video-sharing service, will sting the hate site and the larger movement it serves. Red Ice lost countless videos promoting racist views and听some 335,000 reported subscribers, while the hate movement lost the main platform supportive of its views. By Monday, the backup YouTube channel had already amassed more than 20,000 subscribers.听

Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff have helped make Red Ice a crucial platform for white nationalists. (YouTube)

Yet the YouTube removal highlights the disjointed efforts of mainstream social media companies to combat hate speech that violates their terms of service. Red Ice channels on Twitter and Facebook remained active as听of Monday, while channels on lesser platforms such as BitChute also were available.听

Hatewatch reached out, via email, to Red Ice and YouTube for comment. Neither had responded by publication time.

Palmgren, along with his wife, Lana Lokteff, transformed what the听Southern Poverty Law Center听once described as an outlet concerned with 鈥減aranormal and conspiracy theories鈥 into 鈥渁 white nationalist propaganda outfit, exploring white nationalism, antisemitism and Holocaust denial, and promoting the myth of white genocide.鈥

Since 2003, Palmgren has expanded Red Ice media properties to include:

  • 鈥淩ed Ice Radio,鈥 Palmgren鈥檚 talk-radio show that predominantly focuses on 鈥減ro-European issues鈥;
  • 鈥淩adio 3Fourteen,鈥 a talk-radio program hosted by Lokteff;
  • Red Ice TV, a partially membership-driven web video channel that, in addition to its roster of programs, has covered a number of events associated with the "alt-right."

All three have been crucial platforms for white nationalist organizers to spread their message to a wider audience. Red Ice, for instance, played a major role in bringing Richard Spencer and his National Policy Institute to a global audience of white supremacists. It covered the institute's conference where captured video of participants throwing Nazi salutes as Spencer gave a victory speech in November 2016 in the wake of Donald Trump鈥檚 election. And days later the network provided Spencer a platform to respond听to what it called听the 鈥渉ysterical worldwide coverage鈥 of the event.

The network鈥檚 worth to the movement grew via a partnership with Spencer in 2017 when 听for the short-lived AltRight Corp., a joint venture between Altright.com, the Hungary-based white nationalist publisher 听and Red Ice.

Red Ice has proven to be a prominent platform for individuals within the movement as well. White nationalists Spencer and Michael 鈥淓noch鈥 Peinovich and neo-Nazi white supremacists Andrew 鈥渨eev鈥 Auernheimer and Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer have appeared on Red Ice shows. Red Ice was 鈥渙ften noted for its role in helping to introduce viewers to new alt-right figures and ideas,鈥 according to a 2018 人兽性交 report.

The white nationalist media organization听contributed alt-right commentary on the 2016 Democratic and Republican conventions and the presidential debates. It also provided coverage concerning the deadly 2017 鈥淯nite the Right鈥 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, giving white nationalists a platform to blame both the police and the left for any wrongdoing. Heather Heyer was killed after neo-Nazi James Alex Fields drove his car into a crowd of protesters.

Red Ice has a history of embracing white supremacist rhetoric and talking points. In the aftermath of the Christchurch, New Zealand, mosque shootings, Palmgren brought on a pseudonymous 鈥減olitical commentator,鈥 鈥淲rite Wringer,鈥 to defend the white supremacist myth of the 鈥. The shootings at two mosques left 51 people dead.

Others, such as Patrick Casey, an occasional Red Ice host who has been banned from social media sites for his role as a white nationalist leader, have used the network鈥檚 platform to push the notion that their ideology of identitarianism 鈥 the movement for a separate European culture and territory 鈥 isn鈥檛 white nationalism. Casey is also the head of the American Identity Movement, a membership-based white nationalist group formerly known as Identity Evropa before its rebranding in 2019.

Lokteff has also been instrumental in Red Ice鈥檚 pivot to a full-throated defense of white supremacy. In a video titled 鈥淭hey Want You Dead White Man!鈥澨齃okteff informs the viewer, 鈥測ou know who 'they' is.鈥澨(White nationalists and other antisemites often use 鈥渢hey鈥 in a leading sense to imply a global Jewish conspiracy.) Elsewhere, she has condemned mixed-race relationships as 鈥済enocide.鈥 As she noted in 2018听with regard to 鈥渢he promotion of interracial relationships, mixed race babies听[and] open borders,鈥 鈥淸w]hen you get down to it, this dirty propaganda is trying to destroy, in whole or in part, a group of people and trying to prevent births within that group. Well, that, folks, constitutes 鈥 genocide.鈥

Lokteff criticized YouTube's move, calling her site's removal听鈥渁 full-on, cover-up job.鈥澨

鈥淥bviously they鈥檙e threatened. Otherwise they wouldn鈥檛 do it. Obviously it鈥檚 effective,鈥 she said. "Obviously we were reaching people. Obviously we were growing rapidly before they did all their tricks on the back end.鈥

Photo illustration by 人兽性交

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