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Pro-Kremlin Propagandist Ties to White Nationalist Movement Deeper Than Previously Known

Hatewatch reviewed new materials indicating that Charles Bausman, the pro-Kremlin propagandist who disappeared to Moscow in the aftermath of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, involved himself in the American white nationalist movement years before previously thought.

Charles Bausman, a 59-year-old American man who has lived in Russia on and off for the past three decades, founded the pro-Kremlin website Russia Insider in 2014 when he was living in Moscow. In the years following President Donald Trump鈥檚 2016 electoral win, Bausman began to use the site to promote an array of overtly fascist and antisemitic content. Upon moving from Moscow to the eastern Pennsylvanian city of Lancaster in 2018, Bausman involved himself in a plethora of right-wing causes. Then, after attending the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, he disappeared to Russia, leaving behind nearly $1 million worth of property.

There, Bausman has reemerged as a media commentator. In March, Bausman co-hosted multiple episodes of an online show with a man whom U.S. officials identified in a declassified intelligence report as at times acting on behalf of Russia鈥檚 Federal Security Service (FSB) to manipulate American public opinion, as Hatewatch previously reported.

Russia Insider has published from Adolf Hitler justifying his 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union, which resulted in the death of some 27 million Soviet people; the dictator鈥檚 autobiographical screed Mein Kampf, which a Russian court ; and the who waged war on the Eastern Front.

Beyond Nazi primary sources, the far-right groups and content that Bausman has involved himself with or promoted reflect a diverse array of far-right ideologies. Since 2018, Bausman has collaborated with or promoted Alex Jones, a prominent antigovernment conspiracy theorist and the founder of Infowars; the Rod of Iron Ministries, a gun-obsessed religious group; and the National Justice Party聽(NJP), a self-styled pro-Hitler political group with ties to The Right Stuff podcasting network.

Until now, reporters and researchers have typically pointed to a 6,000-word antisemitic diatribe from January 2018 called 鈥淚t鈥檚 Time To Drop The Jew Taboo鈥 as Bausman鈥檚 first foray into far-right extremism. In it, he lauded the 鈥渁lt-right,鈥 a term used in the mid-to-late 2010s by members of the movement, researchers and journalists to describe a coalitional approach to white supremacist organizing. Bausman commended the alt-right鈥檚 鈥渋ntellectual heft鈥 and lavished praise onto several of the movement鈥檚 figureheads.

However, the materials that Hatewatch obtained and reviewed indicate that the pro-Kremlin propagandist鈥檚 involvement in the white nationalist movement dates back as early as fall 2016.

Hatewatch found that Bausman attended 聽in Washington, D.C., hosted by the National Policy Institute (NPI), a now-defunct white nationalist think tank, in which attendees threw up Nazi salutes. Hatewatch also obtained leaked emails showing that Bausman sought to plan an event in Russia with members of NPI, including Richard Spencer, then the head of the group that organized the 2016 conference that Bausman attended.

Additionally, recent business filings and a series of blog posts with Bausman鈥檚 byline on them shed additional light on his involvement with the National Justice Party, the pro-Hitler political party, which the pro-Kremlin propagandist has praised for their 鈥渧aluable contributions to political discussion.鈥

Hatewatch reached out to Bausman over email. He did not respond. Hatewatch reached out to multiple current and former members of the National Justice Party, including Gregory Conte, Mike Peinovich and Joseph Jordan, over email or text message. They did not respond.

Supporting America鈥檚 white supremacist movement

Spencer and Regnery
In this still from The Atlantic鈥檚 2020 documentary 鈥淲hite Noise,鈥 Richard Spencer, left, is seen with William H. Regnery II. (Daniel Lombroso/White Noise)

The emails that Hatewatch obtained reveal that Bausman sought to collaborate with members of NPI, including petitioning the group鈥檚 reclusive late founder William H. Regnery II聽to organize a multi-day conference in Moscow.

Hatewatch was able to verify the authenticity of the leaked material based on the fact that two sources recalled meeting Bausman at multiple white nationalist events during that time period, namely the 2016 conference and a subsequent summer 2017 conference organized by the self-styled 鈥渞ace realist鈥 think tank American Renaissance.

The leaked materials indicate that Bausman鈥檚 association with NPI began in late 2016, when he attended the group鈥檚 annual conference in Washington, D.C. The event took place over the course of two days, beginning with a private dinner in northwest D.C. on the evening of Nov. 18 and culminating with a full day of speeches on Nov. 19 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center a few blocks away from the White House.

Luke O鈥橞rien, an investigative reporter who has written extensively about the far right, said in a phone conversation with Hatewatch that he met Bausman while checking in for the conference on Saturday, Nov. 19. O鈥橞rien recalled that after he introduced himself as press to NPI personnel, Bausman struck up a conversation with him.

鈥淗e said, 鈥業鈥檓 also with the press.鈥 He gave me his card. It was for Russia Insider,鈥 O鈥橞rien recalled in a conversation with Hatewatch.

鈥淗e was there for networking purposes is what it felt like to me,鈥 O鈥橞rien said.

Bausman met with both Regnery and Spencer within the week after the 2016 conference. In a Nov. 27, 2016, email to NPI personnel, Bausman expressed his support to Spencer following blowback from some segments of the white nationalist movement and the mainstream media for a , when around a dozen people threw up Nazi salutes. Bausman referred to Spencer鈥檚 critics as 鈥渨usses.鈥

Later in the email thread, Bausman added, 鈥淚t was great to meet you and Bill [Regnery] and I will get back to you with some info on what we discussed.鈥

Bausman soon followed up with NPI personnel via email. On the morning of Dec. 12, 2016, Regnery sent an email to Bausman with the subject line 鈥減an euro congress.鈥 The note appeared to follow a phone conversation between Regnery and Bausman.

Regnery announced that Bausman had 鈥渓ocated [a] young Russian of Ukrainian background who was brought up in the States鈥 but who 鈥渓ives in Moscow and [is] interested in being our legman [sic] to lubricate our meeting plans.鈥 Regnery went on to suggest a series of next steps, including proposing sending Spencer to Moscow for a week to begin 鈥渕aking the rounds and inspecting likely venues.鈥 Though Regnery did not offer a timeline in the email regarding when such a trip would occur, he suggested September 2017 as a possible month for the event itself.

The email includes repeated references to NPI鈥檚 attempt to host聽a conference in Budapest in October 2014, which resulted in Hungarian authorities deporting multiple speakers, including Spencer. (In Spencer鈥檚 case, Hungarian authorities detained him on charges he failed to carry proper documents on his person, although others were turned away at the border.) To avoid such hurdles, Regnery suggests 鈥渢o have a marquee name that is indelibly associated with the Putin administration.鈥 However, the email chain does not make it readily apparent if Regnery had any specific figure in mind.

鈥淲e can expect the few seconds of video of the upraised arms at the end of the fall meeting to be constantly looped by those who seek to vilify the conference,鈥 he continued, referring to footage showing attendees throwing up Hitler salutes at the November 2016 conference. Returning to the 2014 debacle in Hungary, Regnery added: 鈥淎ssuming we can avoid of a recurrence of this perception in Russia we need to concern ourselves with the demonization of the meeting elsewhere in Europe. We need to submerge the involvement of NPI in a handful of other Europe [sic] and Russian organizations.鈥

鈥淩ussia is the only European country in which a pan Europe Alt Right interest group can be launched,鈥 Regnery wrote.

NPI鈥檚 event in Moscow did not come to fruition. However, Regnery鈥檚 proposal , hosted by the Russian ultra-nationalist party Rodina (鈥淢otherland鈥), that drew 聽from the United States and Europe, including American white nationalists Jared Taylor and Sam Dickson.

Spencer and Bausman crossed paths again at a 聽held outside Nashville, Tennessee, by American Renaissance, an organization run by Taylor, where Bausman invited Spencer to team up with him on fundraising ideas.

Evan McLaren, NPI鈥檚 former executive director who , told Hatewatch in a message that he recalled meeting Bausman at the conference.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 remember how detailed his questions were, but he definitely took me aside and pumped me for information,鈥 McLaren said.

鈥楢 good friend of many years鈥

Greg Conte
Greg Conte argues with police before a speech by Richard Spencer at Michigan State University on March 5, 2018, in East Lansing, Michigan. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

In addition to Spencer and Regnery, Bausman also collaborated with Gregory Conte, NPI鈥檚 former director of operations, Hatewatch found. Now one of the co-founders of the National Justice Party, Conte serves as a throughline between Bausman鈥檚 early involvement in the alt-right and later collaboration with the pro-Hitler National Justice Party.

Russia Insider鈥檚 archives indicate that in August 2016, Bausman shared an article from the reactionary blog Atavastic Intelligentsia, penned by 鈥淕reg Ritter,鈥 a pseudonym Conte then used in the white supremacist movement. Conte, this time under his given name, contributed an article to Bausman鈥檚 site that was tagged as 鈥淓xclusive to Russia Insider鈥 on Dec. 1, 2018, a few months after he resigned from his position at NPI and other Spencer-affiliated properties.

Conte鈥檚 relationship with Bausman appeared to extend beyond contributing to his site, according to Bausman鈥檚 own statements and ones from Conte鈥檚 former collaborators.

McLaren, the former white nationalist, told Hatewatch that he met with Conte and Bausman sometime between Dec. 26, 2019, and Jan. 5, 2020, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. At the time, he said, Conte was deeply involved with Russia Insider.

鈥淚 hadn鈥檛 completely cut ties with Conte yet, and I let him know I was going to be stateside. Bausman really wanted to meet up. ... He wanted to recruit me to work on whatever projects they had going, and he was curious about dirt on Richard [Spencer],鈥 McLaren, who now lives in Europe, told Hatewatch in a message.

鈥淗e didn鈥檛 have any specific role in mind, at least not that he explained. He was just trying to involve me,鈥 McLaren added.

Furthermore, in a , Bausman described the former NPI director of operations as 鈥渁 good friend of many years for whom I have the highest personal esteem.鈥

Hatewatch identified Bausman as the owner and operator of the Lancaster Christian website, where he is the sole contributor, through its review of internet records. Lancaster Christian shares an IP address with several other Bausman-associated web properties, including Russia Insider and its sister site, Russian Faith, indicating that the same person set up these sites.

Spencer, who worked with Conte until July 2018, confirmed the pair鈥檚 longstanding friendship in a request for comment from Hatewatch.

鈥淣ot a week would go by without some mention of Bausman from Conte,鈥 Spencer told Hatewatch.

Hosting the National Justice Party

Bausman鈥檚 writings on his Lancaster Christian website and corporate documents filed on behalf of the NJP shed new light on the pro-Russia propagandist鈥檚 relationship with the white supremacist group.

Mike Peinovich
Mike Peinovich from The Right Stuff speaks at a press conference on Oct. 19, 2017, at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. (Photo by Evelyn Hockstein for The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Mike Peinovich, a white supremacist podcaster whose former associates have accused of running a cult, launched the NJP in summer of 2020. It featured a variety of speakers, including Conte, associates of Peinovich鈥檚 The Right Stuff podcasting network, a former member of the longtime neo-Nazi group the National Alliance, and other prominent figures throughout the white power movement. At the time, Hatewatch reported that the event took place in 鈥渨hat looks like a barn.鈥 Local news outlet Lancaster Online later identified Bausman鈥檚 farmstead on Millersville Pike in Lancaster County as the location for the meetup in an expos茅 .

鈥淢y reason was that I believed that this group of guys, some of whom I knew personally to be of high integrity and brilliant intelligence, who had made hugely valuable contributions to political discussion in our country, and my publications, should be allowed to gather in a space and have a private meeting to discuss their whatever they want,鈥 Bausman said in the 聽on Lancaster Christian, in which he detailed his reasoning for allowing Peinovich and others to use the property.

Elsewhere in the same article, Bausman lauds Peinovich as 鈥渇amous for making good speeches.鈥

Peinovich 聽in 2022 that the NJP 鈥渨ent our own way鈥 with respect to Bausman. However, corporate records for the two LLCs associated with his organization, National Justice LLC and National Justice Party LLC, that Conte filed with the Maryland Secretary of State indicate that the organization continued to use the address of Bausman鈥檚 farmstead on NJP鈥檚 official records well into 2023.

The corporate documents that Conte filed on behalf of NJP include an application to create a National Justice LLC that Conte sent in on Dec. 7, 2021, and a trade name application registering National Justice Party LLC that Conte filed on June 9, 2022. A 聽from the local news outlet Lancaster Online indicated that Conte was also residing at the property for a time.

Conte used the address of Bausman鈥檚 barn again in an article of amendment that he filed on Feb. 16 to transfer ownership of the National Justice LLC to Peinovich. Conte filed the document after publicly announcing his departure from the NJP in a 15-minute rambling audio clip that he published on the low-moderation app Telegram. In it, Conte accused NJP leadership of spending $10,000 of the group鈥檚 funds to spend on cryptocurrency, as well as an 鈥渙ngoing pattern of behavior鈥 including 鈥渟ecrecy, lies and deception.鈥 The recording closes with an inscrutable request in English and German to listeners to determine if they鈥檙e 鈥渇or or against the F眉hrer.鈥

鈥楾he earth has shifted in America鈥

Hatewatch reviewed archived Russia Insider posts, as well as materials related to Bausman鈥檚 public appearances in Washington, D.C., New York and Moscow, in order to better understand his growing interest in the white nationalist movement in late 2016, as well as his subsequent turn toward far-right activism.

Hatewatch reached out to multiple people listed as speakers at two events focused on U.S.-Russia relations that Bausman appears to have attended in 2015, according to material on his Russia Insider website and other online archives. These events include the March 25-26, 2015, World Russia Forum, a once-annual gathering in Washington, D.C., organized by the Soviet-born nuclear physicist and Russia Insider contributor Edward Lozansky, and the March 27, 2015, Russia Forum New York, whose organizer, Elena Branson, 聽by the U.S. government with acting as an unregistered foreign agent on behalf of the Russian government.

A user under the name 鈥淩I Staff鈥 announced in 聽on the Russia Insider website that Bausman would be speaking at the World Russia Forum on March 24, 2015, on a litany of subjects including terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, climate change and drug trafficking. 聽does not even list Bausman by name and only includes his website among a handful of others during a 45-minute panel called 鈥淧resentation of Alternative Sites.鈥 The same Russia Insider post does not mention Bausman鈥檚 appearance at the Russian Forum New York.

Lozansky, who organized the annual World Russia Forum, confirmed to Hatewatch in an email that he brought Bausman to the 2015 event as part of a panel to discuss 鈥渁lternatives to mainstream media.鈥 He recalled that Bausman also attended a tree-planting ceremony in Moscow roughly a month later. The event commemorated the Allied victory in World War II.

While Lozansky was an early contributor to Russia Insider, dating back to the site鈥檚 founding in 2014, the site鈥檚 archives indicate that most of his contributions on the site between fall 2014 and spring 2017 consist of reposts from other media outlets. He said he wasn鈥檛 sure why Bausman stopped reposting his articles and that he was unaware of Bausman鈥檚 participation in the 2016 NPI event.

Lozansky said he didn鈥檛 speak to Bausman for several years until he met him at a July 4 gathering of American expatriates in Moscow.

鈥淲e spoke briefly, and he mentioned that RI is not doing well these days, that鈥檚 about it,鈥 Lozansky said.

Russia Insider鈥檚 pivot from sharing mainly material concerned with foreign policy and U.S.-Russia affairs to a solidly far-right propaganda outlet appears to have coincided with President Donald Trump鈥檚 2016 presidential campaign. By early 2016, Bausman began portraying Russia Insider less as a publication concerned with U.S.-Russia relations and more as another website within the broader sphere of 鈥渁lternative media.鈥 In a May 19, 2016, post called 鈥淩ussia Insider is Really a Mirror of the Trump/Sanders Phenomenon,鈥 Bausman depicted his site as countering 鈥渘eocon lies鈥 about Russia. Between July and October 2016, Russia Insider ran multiple articles portraying the growing alt-right movement and Trump as possible Russian allies.

At a 2016 speech in Moscow less than a month before he would attend the now-infamous NPI conference, Bausman described American politics as shifting as the result of unnamed activists.

鈥淭he fact of the matter is the earth has shifted in America in a very fundamental way,鈥 Bausman said during that presentation in Moscow on Oct. 25, 2016.

鈥淭he people who have realized how crazy the American system has become will not go home. They will not stop talking. If Hillary wins, she will have a big, big problem on her hands,鈥 he added.

This story is part 3 in a series. Read more about far-right propagandist Charles Bausman in part 1听补苍诲 part 2.

Photo illustration by 人兽性交

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