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Hate Groups Rejoice Over Newly Elected Speaker Mike Johnson

Last week, House Republicans elected Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana as Speaker of the House. Johnson brings to the office some of the most extreme hard-right views in Congress on immigration and 人兽性交+ rights.

Johnson now serves in one of the most powerful positions in the federal government and is second in the line of presidential succession. Given his fringe public statements and positions, it is not surprising that hate groups and extremists have rushed to praise the new speaker.

Mike Johnson takes oath
Newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, R-La., takes the oath in the House chambers as members of the House of Representatives gather at the U.S. Capitol to vote on Oct. 25, 2023, in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Matt McClain/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Johnson rode Donald Trump鈥檚 鈥淢ake America Great Again鈥 wave in 2016, coming into office at the same time as the former president. Known as 鈥淢AGA Mike鈥 by fellow Republicans, Johnson aligned with Trump鈥檚 hard-right agenda and reportedly was 聽support for conspiracy theories related to the 2020 presidential election. Trump congratulated Johnson on his new speakership last week.

Hatewatch reached out to Johnson via his communications director Corinne Day over email but did not receive a response.

Anti-immigrant hate group on Johnson: 'No need to guess where he stands on immigration'

In his tenure as a congressman, Johnson has pushed xenophobic rhetoric and policies. His elevation to the speaker鈥檚 chair was lauded by anti-immigrant hate groups. Some of Johnson鈥檚 statements on immigration mimic 鈥済reat replacement鈥-style rhetoric. The 鈥済reat replacement鈥 is a false and racist conspiracy theory聽purporting that white people are being intentionally displaced by 鈥榚lites鈥 and replaced by immigrant people of color.

Johnson has repeatedly accused Democrats of encouraging immigration to secure a supportive voting base. In a July 2021 聽on Fox News, Johnson accused the Biden administration of allowing migrants into the country to expand the party鈥檚 voting base.

鈥淲hy in the world would any elected official in this country go along with this terrible policy? This dangerous set of policies that they鈥檙e engaging in? You鈥檙e always drawn to that ultimate conclusion: They want to turn these people into voters,鈥 Johnson said.

Johnson repeated a similar argument during a July 2022 episode of his podcast 鈥淭ruth Be Told,鈥 which Johnson hosts with his wife, Kelly. He described the Democrats鈥 鈥渦ltimate objective鈥 as being 鈥渢o turn illegal aliens into Democrat voters.鈥 In a 聽later that same month with U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Johnson said, 鈥淲e have a literal invasion of lawless masses flooding over our border from more than 160 countries.鈥

Racial justice and civil rights organizations have been clear in their concern over politicians who spread this false conspiracy. Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) wrote in their 鈥淔rom Scarcity to Solidarity鈥 guide that the 鈥済reat replacement鈥澛燾onspiracy theory takes for granted two racist assumptions based in a scarcity mentality: 1) that the United States should be run by white people and 2) that white people must be in a numerical majority to thrive. The guide states that this assumption 鈥渄oes not hold space for white people 鈥 for white Christians 鈥 to have shared belonging and democratic participation with people of other races or religions.鈥

Vanessa Cardenas, the executive director of America鈥檚 Voice Education Fund, told reporters in August, 鈥淲hen elected officials amplify dangerous rhetoric like the white nationalist invasion and replacement conspiracy theories, they create a climate that fosters political violence.鈥

Johnson鈥檚 comments about immigrants are not limited to repeating the false conspiracy; he has also 聽against the rollback of the Trump-era Title 42 policy, which was used to deport potential asylum-seekers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

After the Biden administration tried to phase out Title 42 in spring 2022, Johnson filed an amicus brief in support of a Republican-led lawsuit blocking the measure. In a statement about the lawsuit, Johnson 聽Biden is 鈥渋ntentionally allowing the destruction of our country.鈥

In 2021, Johnson 聽organized by the Center for Immigration Studies聽(CIS), an 人兽性交-designated anti-immigrant hate group. CIS is known for producing reports warning of the dangers of mass immigration and making claims of elevated levels of criminality of immigrants that have been debunked elsewhere. The group also considers聽white nationalist talking points to be part of the immigration debate and has promoted white nationalist websites, such as VDARE.com, in their online newsletter. CIS approved of Johnson鈥檚 election as speaker, writing in an Oct. 25 post on their website, 鈥淣o need to guess where he stands on immigration 鈥 he appeared at a Center panel discussion in October 2021.鈥

During the panel, Johnson thanked CIS鈥檚 longtime executive director Mark Krikorian for having him and endorsed the hate group, saying, 鈥淚t鈥檚 just such important work that you all are doing right now.鈥

Mark Krikorian
Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies speaks in his office in 2013 in Washington, D.C.(Photo by Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Krikorian claims Haiti is 鈥渟o screwed up because it wasn鈥檛 colonized long enough鈥 and that the U.S. needs immigration control and enforcement because one cannot 鈥渄istinguish between鈥 a 鈥淕uatemalan dishwasher鈥 and an 鈥淚SIS suicide bomber.鈥

Hatewatch reached out to Krikorian over email, but he declined to answer questions about Johnson鈥檚 involvement in the event.

Johnson engaged in xenophobic rhetoric during the event. Speaking about migrants being relocated to his hometown of Shreveport, Louisiana, he said:

I get a long list of names that I cannot pronounce from countries all over the world that just, hey, heads up, they鈥檙e coming to your town. There鈥檚 nothing I can do about it because we鈥檙e in the minority party. And this goes on and on and on, and it seems to be intentional. They鈥檙e dropping these people off in midsized cities all over the South and all over the country.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Johnson claimed that if immigrants did not fit into his ideas of assimilation, the nation and its alleged identity would face destruction. 鈥淪ound immigration policy is you allow us to maintain our identity as a nation-state,鈥 he stated.

He veered into xenophobic territory again, adding, 鈥淥ur legal system allows for people to come here and assimilate to who we are, not to flood this nation and make it into nothing or all things, because then we鈥檙e no longer the United States of America.鈥

CIS鈥檚 sister organization, the Federation for American Immigration Reform聽(FAIR), another 人兽性交-designated hate group, also lauded Johnson鈥檚 election to speaker. The group a press release congratulating Johnson and urging him in his new role to demand that a draconian, FAIR-approved immigration resolution be incorporated into any spending or foreign aid package sent to President Biden.

Hatewatch reached out to FAIR via email for comment but did not hear back before publication.

Johnson called 鈥榗ourageous leader鈥 after decades as an anti-人兽性交+ hate crusader

Kristen Waggoner
Lawyer Kristen Waggoner of Alliance Defending Freedom speaks outside the U.S. Supreme Court Building on Dec. 5, 2022, in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Prior to being elected to Congress, Johnson worked for two decades as an attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom聽(ADF), an anti-人兽性交+ hate group that claims to fight the 鈥渉omosexual agenda鈥 and identifies as a Christian organization since its founding by Christian right leaders including James Dobson, Bill Bright, D. James Kennedy and Alan Sears.

After Johnson鈥檚 elevation to the speakership, CNN 聽on a series of little-known anti-人兽性交+ op-eds Johnson penned in the early-mid 2000s for his local newspaper in Shreveport, Louisiana. Reacting to the 2003 Supreme Court ruling in Lawrence v. Texas, the decision that declared it unconstitutional for states to criminalize gay sex between consenting adults, Johnson 聽that states have 鈥渕any legitimate grounds to proscribe same-sex deviate [sic] sexual intercourse, including public health 鈥 safety, morals and the promotion of healthy marriages.鈥

In 聽the following year, Johnson wrote, 鈥淗omosexual relationships are inherently unnatural and 鈥 are ultimately harmful and costly for everyone.鈥 In the same essay, he wrote that same-sex marriage would 鈥減lace our entire democratic system in jeopardy by eroding its foundation.鈥 These arguments, which paint 人兽性交+ people as deviant, pestilent and dangerous and try to legislate them back into the closet, are hallmarks of the anti-人兽性交+ hate ideology.

In 2005, Johnson and ADF (known then as Alliance Defense Fund) organized a protest against an initiative aiming to counter anti-gay bias in schools in which he 聽鈥淵ou can call [homosexuality] sinful or destructive 鈥 ultimately it鈥檚 both.鈥 In his role at ADF, Johnson also pushed for a federal ban on gay marriage and fought extending benefits to partners of city employees who are in same-sex relationships.

ADF congratulated Johnson on , calling him a 鈥渃ourageous leader.鈥

A spokesperson for ADF confirmed to Hatewatch that Johnson worked for the group from November 2002 to July 2010.

Donald Trump and Tony Perkins
Former U.S. President and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (left) stands with Family Research Council president Tony Perkins at the Pray Vote Stand Summit in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 15, 2023. (Photo by Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

Another hate group celebrated Johnson鈥檚 win. Tony Perkins, head of the anti-人兽性交+ Family Research Council, appeared on the conservative outlet Newsmax to applaud the new speaker. Newsmax introduced Perkins as a 鈥渧ery close friend鈥 of Johnson. Perkins confirmed their relationship, saying he has known the new speaker for 25 years. 鈥淚鈥檓 so proud of Mike,鈥 he said. Perkins also said he believed Johnson鈥檚 鈥渟ense of 鈥渃onfidence and peace and tranquility,鈥 as well as his reputation as 鈥渁 nice guy鈥 will help him get things done in Congress. 鈥淚t's going to be a new day,鈥 Perkins said. He said Johnson told him a similar thing the morning of Oct. 25.

鈥淚 was talking to him as he was working on his speech,鈥 Perkins said. 鈥淗e said, 鈥業t鈥檚 a new day.鈥欌

Hatewatch reached out to Perkins via email about his relationship with Johnson but did not receive a reply.

A commitment to Christian nationalism and a 鈥榖iblical鈥 republic

While Family Research Council is legally 聽as an association of churches, it acts as the political activist arm and policy shop for the Christian religious right and infuses Christian dominionist and Christian nationalist ideas into policy materials and event content.

Political Research Associates鈥 Fredrick Clarkson has described dominionism as the 鈥渢heocratic idea that Christians are called by God to exercise dominion over every aspect of society鈥痓y taking control of political and cultural institutions.鈥 Similarly, Anthea Butler, professor of religious studies and Africana studies at the University of Pennsylvania, describes Christian nationalism as the idea that America is a Christian nation and that its leaders should be Christian.

In op-eds, podcasts and various public appearances, Johnson has repeatedly presented the United States as irrevocably rooted in an ultra-conservative Christian 鈥渂iblical鈥 worldview. The concept of a biblical world view is foundational to both Christian nationalist and dominionist thinking and movements. During a 2013 appearance at a forum hosted by Louisiana Right to Life, an anti-abortion group, Johnson called for a revival of 鈥18th-century values.鈥 In footage , Johnson described Christians as 鈥渋nherently intolerant鈥 due to their rejection of 鈥減ostmodern culture.鈥

Most recently, Johnson echoed some of the ideas of anti-人兽性交+ and historical revisionist David Barton. When attending an event of Barton鈥檚 WallBuilders organization, Johnson shared his long admiration of Barton and later said he had a profound influence on his work. Johnson articulated the idea that infusing Christian religion into government is necessary for ensuring the health of American governance and civil society. During a Sept. 28, 2022, episode of his podcast 鈥淭ruth Be Told,鈥 Johnson said:

See, the founders understood that all men are fallen and that power corrupts. And they also knew that no amount of institutional checks and balances or decentralization of power and civil authorities would be sufficient to maintain a just government if the men in charge had no fear of eternal judgment by a power higher than their temporal institutions. So a free society and a healthy Republic depend upon religious and moral virtue.

鈥淲ithout those virtues being indispensably supported by religion and morality, as Washington said, every nation will ultimately fall,鈥 Johnson said, paraphrasing George Washington鈥檚 farewell address. Again, Johnson mimics Barton鈥檚 tactics of proof texting, a method in Biblical scholarship that uses quotes out of context to make one鈥檚 point, to claim the founders of the U.S. did not intend for the separation of church and state. Barton also has a long and serious track record of misusing quotations, statistics and sources to push religious nationalism.

During a 聽that has circulated widely after his election to the speakership, Johnson described democracy as 鈥渢wo wolves and a lamb deciding what鈥檚 for dinner.鈥 He made a broad overstatement about the founding of the U.S. under a specifically Christian framework, continuing: 鈥淚t鈥檚 not just majority rule. It鈥檚 a constitutional republic. And the founders set that up because they followed the biblical admonition on what a civil society is supposed to look like.鈥

Johnson has presented Christians as simultaneously the rightful inheritors of American constitutional government and a victimized underclass besieged by modern pluralism. In a roughly half-hour video discussing a lawsuit that Johnson filed in 2015 on behalf of Answers in Genesis, a conservative Christian organization that promotes the belief that modern evolutionary science is a lie, Johnson claimed, 鈥淚f you鈥檙e a Christian organization, you get treated like a second-class citizen.鈥

In another 2015 interview with Answers in Genesis leader Ken Ham, Johnson described Ham鈥檚 group as victims of 鈥渧iewpoint discrimination鈥 after the Christian organization was unable to access public tax dollars to build their religious-themed amusement park until committing to refraining from using religious belief in their hiring processes.

Johnson represents, for many who study religious nationalism and religion鈥檚 role in social and political movements, the epitome of politically extreme conservative Christians. Matthew Taylor at the Institute for Islamic-Christian-Jewish Studies 聽that there are 鈥減rincipled, conservative Christians with heartfelt moral views on abortion, 人兽性交-rights, and a host of other cultural issues who value democracy and pluralism and recognize their preferred policies won鈥檛 always win the day.鈥 Taylor contrasts this with the fact that there are politically extreme conservative Christians who might hold the exact same views on the same issues, 鈥渂ut who are also willing to upend democracy to see their agendas realized.鈥

In Taylor鈥檚 view, these politically extreme conservative Christians use theology to justify their own authoritarianism. Taylor says, 鈥淢ike Johnson can be located in this group.鈥

Politico 聽Oct. 25 that on Jan. 5, 2021, Johnson told members of his Republican caucus: 鈥淎ll of us have prayed for God鈥檚 discernment. I know I鈥檝e prayed for each of you individually,鈥 before pressing them to oppose the legitimate election results at the now-infamous vote certification of President Biden the next day.

Joseph Wiinikka-Lydon contributed to this reporting.

Photo illustration by 人兽性交

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