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Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 2000

The Southern Poverty Law Center filed a federal lawsuit in January 2000 against Jeff Berry, American Knights of the KKK leader, alleging false imprisonment and assault against two journalists.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 2000

The 1990's was a remarkable decade on the American radical right with events such as Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, and the birth of the 'New World Order.'

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 2000

In a speech to the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland, Intelligence Report Editor Mark Potok discussed the First Amendment as it applies to the Internet.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 2000

A British historian who describes the Holocast as a 'propaganda hoax' finds himself on the defensive after suing an American scholar for libel.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 2000

Survivalist James "Bo" Gritz has been called many things: decorated Vietnam War hero and model for the "Rambo" movies, hapless champion of Americans lost in action in Southeast Asia, opportunistic anti-Semite.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 2000

The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan have spent years trying to join Missouri's Adopt-a-Highway program. But vandals keep knocking down the signs designating the Klan-cleaned stretch.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 2000

In January, the South Carolina Heritage coalition organized a rally in honor of the Confederate flag in Columbia, South Carolina. The coalition said it was defending 'heritage, not hate,' although many racists were in attendance.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 2000

Would-be lawyer and World Church of the Creator leader Matt Hale has been busy trying to get the law on his side.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 2000

Johnny Bangerter, the neo-Nazi Utah Skinhead on one of several television news specials goes to jail once again.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 2000

Killer Skinhead Randall Rojas is sentenced to life in prison for a racist murder — and changes his tune from repudiation of racism to a stream of obscenities.


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