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Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

A nation roiled by a vicious and protracted presidential campaign and shocked and saddened by graphic evidence of the deaths of multiple unarmed black men at the hands of police officers, woke on July 8 to the nightmarish news that a sniper had assassinated five Dallas police officers who were providing security at an otherwise peaceful Black Lives Matter protest.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

Emboldened by a presidential candidate who embraced their ideas with a nudge and a wink, and electrified by his victory, white nationalists in 2016 fanned out and spread their message of fear and loathing among the nation’s young people.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

Last December, an armed, 28-year-old North Carolina man stormed into a Washington, D.C., pizza parlor called Comet Ping-Pong, bent on investigating the stories he’d heard about it being part of a child sex-slavery ring closely tied to the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. Before it was over, Edgar Welch had fired a shot that harmed no one, but terrified restaurant customers and staff alike.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

A director and a screenwriter discuss their new movie about white supremacists and what they hoped to accomplish.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

The radical right was more successful in entering the political mainstream last year than in half a century. How did it happen?

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

The Loyal White Knights promised a major KKK parade to celebrate the election. It didn’t quite work out that way.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

Incidents of apparent hate crimes and hate group activities listed here are drawn primarily from media sources.


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