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Center's Tolerance Programs Offer Black History Month Resources

To celebrate and expand our awareness of black history (and not just during Black History Month), the Center's Tolerance.org project publishes a series on little-known African American contributions to American history.

During Black History Month the Center's Teaching Tolerance project is publishing a four-part series, "Why Wasn't I Taught That?," to honor African American contributions to American history. It features little-known names and facts that shouldn't be so obscure — stories that should be part of history lessons, not just in Black History Month but throughout the year.

Each story focuses on one particular individual and provides a list of links for those wanting to learn more. The first profile describes journalist and community activist Daisy Bates and her pivotal role as a mentor to the Little Rock Nine.

A new story will run each Thursday, throughout February. They profile:

  • Onesimus, a slave whose scientific contributions saved lives during a smallpox epidemic in Boston;
  • Ota Benga, an African pygmy "displayed" at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis; and
  • Toni Stone, a female baseball player in the Negro Leagues.


In the Docket:

  • Smith v. YMCA -- This landmark 1969 case integrated the YMCA in Montgomery after city parks and pools closed to prevent integration.
  • Nixon v. Brewer -- This suit forced Alabama to reapportion its state legislature and discard its discriminatory voting system.
  • Paradise v. Allen -- This 1972 Center suit forced the integration of the then all-white Alabama State Troopers.

Teaching Tolerance magazine coverage of Brown v. Board's 50th anniversary:

  • An American Legacy -- The story of Brown v. Board, and what it meant to America.
  • Brown is ... -- Fourteen prominent Americans, including a member of the Little Rock Nine, discuss the legacy and impact of the case.
  • Where Are We Now? -- Fifty years after the historic ruling, schools are resegregating.
  • A New Milestone Decade -- How can we move forward with the same spirit of common cause that fueled the Civil Rights Movement?
