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Child Porn Charges Against Neo-Nazi Leader Detailed

A new court filing reveals sordid details of the government's case against long-time neo-Nazi leader Kevin Alfred Strom, who was charged earlier this year with possession of child pornography, witness tampering and "enticing" a young girl.

Strom, 50, was for almost 20 years a deputy to William Pierce, leader of the neo-Nazi National Alliance. After Pierce's death, Strom broke away in 2005 to form his own radical group, National Vanguard. But he was arrested near his Virginia home last January, and National Vanguard had collapsed by late March.

The latest blow to Strom came in a government document filed May 24 in response to a motion from Strom's attorneys to sever one count of a seven-count superceding indictment. Among the graphic allegations the filing contained:

  • The girl Strom was charged with "enticing," who was 9 and 10 years old during the period in question, was followed by Strom to her school and home. When her parents, distressed by Strom's attentions, changed schools, Strom found her new school and class schedule on the Internet.
  • Strom composed a sonnet for the girl, identified only as "A.A." "My love for her is not a sin … I'll be showered with the kisses of [A.A.] …. I will marry [A.A.]." The sonnet, Strom wrote on his computer, was "to be sung to the tune of 'Here We Come a-Wassailing.'"
  • Strom was surprised by his wife Elisha (who was not identified by name in the court filing) on Sept. 8, 2006, while apparently masturbating nude in front of a computer while looking at photos of young girls. Although he ran away from his wife, "she was able to observe that he was sexually aroused." Strom later admitted to a social worker that he has "pleasured himself" while looking at nude photos.
  • Strom had "hundreds" of images of young girls, both clothed and unclothed, in sexually suggestive positions, along with outright pornography. Many of the photos depicted girls similar in appearance to "A.A."