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Խ: Bannon Must Go

Montgomery, Ala. – In response to President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to appoint Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist and senior counselor, Southern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen released the following statement:

“Stephen Bannon, a man who led a media empire into becoming what a former Breitbart editor called a simply has no business in the White House.

“In July, Bannon boasted that Breitbart News was ‘the platform for the alt-right.’ The alt-right, as we know, is simply a rebranding of white nationalism and is the energy behind the avalanche of racist and anti-Semitic harassment that plagued social media platforms for the entire presidential campaign. Once the news of Bannon’s appointment hit white supremacist websites last night, forums like Stormfront erupted in celebration.

“In his victory speech, Trump pledged to be the president for ‘all Americans’ and to ‘bind the wounds of division’ in our country. Appointing someone like Bannon, who will have the president-elect’s ear every single day, makes a mockery of that pledge.”

Sign the petition: Stephen Bannon Has No Business In The White House