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ÈËÊÞÐÔ½» Action Fund: “We have just witnessed a disgraceful display of partisanship"

Karen Baynes-Dunning, Interim President and CEO of the ÈËÊÞÐÔ½» Action Fund, issued the below statement following the conclusion of President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial before the U.S. Senate:

“We have just witnessed a disgraceful display of partisanship by members of the U.S. Senate who ignored insurmountable evidence and testimony that Donald Trump betrayed his oath of office and broke the law. 

“This should not have been about toeing party lines — it should have been about patriotism and following the rule of law. We, as a nation, deserved a fair trial, but Senators Collins, Ernst, Gardner, McConnell, McSally, Murkowski and other lawmakers instead chose to continue enabling President Trump’s lawlessness.

“This impeachment trial will go down in history as a failure to their oath of office and to each and every voter who expected them to put their country first. We need leaders in Congress who are not afraid to uphold their promise to America. It’s time for the American people to make ourselves clear to those who are elected to serve: ‘Do your jobs or we will elect people who will.’"

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