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人兽性交, local journalist expose, derail plan for neo-Nazi enclave in Maine

Content warning: This article contains graphic language.

It takes a lot to surprise Jeff Tischauser.

A research analyst for the Southern Poverty Law Center鈥檚 Intelligence Project who works to expose the growing normalization of far-right extremism in the United States, Tischauser is used to hardening himself against the activities of the purveyors of hate he tracks.

But when known neo-Nazi Christopher Pohlhaus took his penchant for online harassment live, the cruelty particularly stood out for Tischauser.

The pivot point came in March, when Pohlhaus marshaled members of the violent 鈥淏lood Tribe鈥 he founded to attending a drag brunch fundraiser for the 人兽性交+ community in small-town Ohio, screaming obscenities and pursuing a call to 鈥済ive them PTSD.鈥

鈥淚 realized this guy is actually more for real than I thought he was. He鈥檚 not just an online podcaster. He鈥檚 getting people out into the streets. He is seemingly driven to provoke his perceived political enemies. And that includes children 鈥 apparently,鈥 Tischauser said. 鈥淣ot a lot of things shock me anymore, but they still can turn my stomach. When I heard that, it made me want to find where this guy is so that he can at least be stopped or at least kind of track his activities a little bit more closely.鈥

With determination typical of the research analysts who work for the Intelligence Project to bring extremists out of the shadows, Tischauser trained his investigative skills on Pohlhaus.

In July, the Intelligence Project published an expos茅 in its Hatewatch blog showing that Pohlhaus had purchased 10.6 acres deep in the pine forests of northern Maine. The purpose was to build an armed white supremacist training ground for the group he calls 鈥淏lut Stamm鈥 鈥 German for 鈥淏lood Tribe.鈥 Unnoticed by many people in the community, Pohlhaus had been clearing land he bought in March 2022 and was traveling the country to recruit followers to broaden his network of extremist connections. Soliciting cryptocurrency donations on Telegram, an encrypted messaging board often used by white supremacists, he was using the money to build and stock the enclave, where he flew a giant Nazi flag.

The painstaking 人兽性交 investigation led to media exposure as well as proposed changes in statewide policy around extremists. In October, Pohlhaus sold off the land, went quiet and appears, at least for the time being, to have abandoned his plans in Maine.

Mundane and revelatory

鈥淚 had to move somewhere, you know? You guys are so weird,鈥 Pohlhaus said in a voice message responding to a request for comment Tischauser sent via Telegram during his investigation.

鈥淕oogle, 鈥楤reaking News: Nazi Buys a Piece of Property.鈥 Tell everybody. Run the presses: 鈥楬e Owns Property,鈥欌 Pohlhaus said. 鈥淲hat the f--- do you expect me to do? Where do you expect me to go? You want me to go to your neighborhood? Why are you guys so g------ awkward. This isn鈥檛 a news story.鈥

But of course, it was. Tischauser鈥檚 research demonstrates, as does the 人兽性交鈥檚 latest Year in Hate and Extremism report, that white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups are becoming significantly more aggressive, more mainstream and more of a threat to local governments and community institutions. And the result illustrates how, through deep collaboration, groundbreaking investigations employing cutting-edge data science and intelligence techniques and old-fashioned gumshoe reporting, the 人兽性交 is combating the rise of hate and extremism and its seepage into the political discourse of the United States.

The work of the Intelligence Project builds on half a century of investigative expertise by the 人兽性交, which has continued to sound the alarm about the dangers of far-right extremists even when most policymakers and the public believed them to be fringe groups fading in influence.

鈥淭he 人兽性交鈥檚 Intelligence Project hopes to change extremists鈥 behavior by exposing their activities,鈥 said Rachel Carroll Rivas, deputy director of research, reporting and analysis for the Intelligence Project.

鈥淭he resources and expertise and time that it takes to unearth the people who want to remain in the shadows, and most importantly their plans, their strategies and tactics, is something that the 人兽性交 has been offering since our founding,鈥 Carroll Rivas said. It is a tool 鈥渢hat communities can use to throw the paper on the podium and say, 鈥楾his is real, this is organized and it鈥檚 intentionally harming us.鈥 It is information necessary to interrupt and organize and bring litigation against these groups, and it鈥檚 a time-consuming and deep project.鈥

鈥楢 needle in a haystack鈥

It was September 2021 when Tischauser said he first became aware of Pohlhaus 鈥 a tattoo artist who calls himself 鈥淭he Hammer鈥 鈥 and the group he founded. Pohlhaus has ties to the neo-Nazi Nationalist Social Club (NSC-131) and convicted Jan. 6 rioter . But while Pohlhaus has claimed associations with other neo-Nazi activists and publishers around the country, he had previously been believed to confine his activities to online provocation.

However, Tischauser picked up online chatter from Pohlhaus claiming to be moving to Maine to set up a headquarters for his group. Not knowing anything more, he began combing through property records in Maine county by county.

He was looking, he acknowledged, for 鈥渁 needle in a haystack.鈥

About a month after the drag show, Tischauser got a break. An anonymous message came in on an 人兽性交 tip line that Pohlhaus had joined a gym in Penobscot County, Maine. Tischauser began focusing his search on the northern Maine county whose seat is Bangor.

After more than 20 hours of work, Tischauser found records on a database maintained by the Penobscot County Registry of Deeds identifying Pohlhaus and fellow white supremacist and convicted felon as the buyers of a property outside a town on the northern edge of the county, Springfield, population 409.

鈥榃hat community journalism is all about鈥

Meanwhile, a local newspaper reporter was also picking up concerning signs. had moved to Maine three years before from New York with her husband and taken a job as a staff writer with the Bangor Daily News. A reporter and photographer with an investigative bent, Phalen Tomaselli had a track record at her previous reporting jobs for exposing white nationalist groups. As a reporter at the Reading Eagle and now-defunct Reading Times in Berks County, Pennsylvania, she had written about the East Coast headquarters of the Aryan Nations group.

Phalen Tomaselli said her inquiries about chatter she had seen that a neo-Nazi planned to build 鈥渁n ethnostate鈥 in Maine were meeting skepticism and hitting dead ends. Until, searching for anything she could find on Pohlhaus, she saw Tischauser鈥檚 story on the 人兽性交 website.

Phalen Tomaselli had an advantage Tischauser did not. She lived within two hours of the site the 人兽性交 researcher had identified, and she was able to draw on the knowledge of residents to find its exact location, which had no listed address. Early one August day, she set off in search of the property on her own.

Off a narrow, remote, dirt and stone road in the middle of dense pine forest with no cell service, she spotted a blur of white. It was a dilapidated white trailer that matched the photos of a trailer in videos Pohlhaus had posted of the camp online. Surrounding it, according to Phalen Tomaselli, were acres of nearly cleared land.

Pohlhaus had begun recruiting men to prepare to build cabins for Blood Tribe followers. In multiple Telegram postings, Pohlhaus said they were camping in tents in the winter and training to become Blood Tribe soldiers. He frequently posted clips of his inner circle initiation ritual. In it, men pierce their palm with a spear to draw blood and then wipe it on the spear handle over the blood of the others.

鈥淚鈥檒l be honest, it was a little scary,鈥 Phalen Tomaselli said.

Putting her fear aside, she took photographs from outside the property, took notes and shared what she had seen with both Tischauser and her readers in an published Aug. 7.

鈥淚f a Nazi is trying to set up a military training camp in your community, you should know,鈥 Phalen Tomaselli said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 our job. For me, it鈥檚 my responsibility to do this for the people, for the public, I guess. It鈥檚 what community journalism is all about.鈥

Phalen Tomaselli鈥檚 story, and others that followed, drew the attention of residents, community leaders and politicians. The Planet Fitness location in Bangor 鈥 the gym where Pohlhaus had been spotted 鈥 banned him from its facilities. After the owner of a Maine rental home wrote an opinion piece in the Lincoln News in support of Pohlhaus, who is a frequent guest, her listings were removed from the Airbnb booking platform. Community leaders, including officials at a local Jewish synagogue, expressed alarm about Pohlhaus鈥 plans. World War II veterans interviewed by Phalen Tomaselli said they worried about history repeating itself.

鈥楢 blight on the community鈥

As the community concerns grew, several Maine lawmakers to beef up Maine鈥檚 anti-militia laws and to outlaw paramilitary training encampments. Among them was state Sen. Joe Baldacci of Bangor, who drafted legislation that would make it a criminal offense to offer training in firearms, explosives or other tactics with the intent of causing a 鈥渃ivil disorder.鈥 The prohibition would not apply to training for law enforcement, self-defense programs, military science students, firearms instruction on safe use of guns or any legal shooting sports.

After Baldacci spoke out and introduced the legislation, Pohlhaus posted an online image of an assault rifle with the words, 鈥淏aldacci isn鈥檛 gonna stop us.鈥

鈥淗e鈥檚 a scary guy,鈥 Baldacci said of Pohlhaus.

鈥淲herever [Pohlhaus] is he鈥檚 a blight on the community that he鈥檚 in,鈥 Baldacci said. 鈥淚t was a blight that I thought was unacceptable in Maine.鈥

The community response, the proposed policy actions and the media coverage of Pohlhaus鈥 plans are emblematic of the 人兽性交鈥檚 mission to work in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, Carroll Rivas said.

鈥淐ommunities know what is happening to them,鈥 Carroll Rivas said. With its investigative resources, the 人兽性交 鈥渃an help put together in a national picture the pain and harm they are experiencing from hate groups.鈥

Despite the success they have had in foiling Pohlhaus鈥 plans,聽Tischauser and Phalen Tomaselli worry that Maine, the whitest state in the country, and one with a deep tradition of both gun ownership and conservative politics, has not seen the last of the white supremacist. They vow to keep tracking him and others of his ilk.

鈥淲e鈥檝e been sounding the alarm bells about these really violent people in our communities and trying to shine a light on their activities,鈥 Tischauser said of the 人兽性交鈥檚 efforts. 鈥淎nd we wish people would listen. Because when you let in a Nazi to your dinner party and there鈥檚 one Nazi at that dinner table, it鈥檚 now a Nazi dinner party. And more Nazis are going to come next time. And then guess what? Pretty soon that whole table is going to be full of Nazis.鈥

Illustration at top: The flag of Maine is outlined in a map of the state, with crosshairs on the town of Springfield, where known neo-Nazi Christopher Pohlhaus was planning to build a white nationalist 鈥渆thnostate鈥 until an investigation by the 人兽性交 and a local reporter exposed it. (人兽性交)