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Patriot Front Timeline

The white nationalist hate group Patriot Front formed in 2017 in Texas and is one of the most active operating in the U.S. Over the years, numerous Hatewatch investigations have revealed the group鈥檚 racist intent and the destructive behavior of the violent young men the group attracts.

The following timeline provides an overview of Patriot Front鈥檚 most significant activities since 2017.

Led by Thomas Rousseau, of Grapevine, Texas, Patriot Front has generated national headlines by launching flash rallies, where its members show up unannounced in cities across the country, concealing their faces with masks and holding demonstrations in public spaces. Members of the group have also destroyed dozens of murals, statues and other public displays that celebrate Black culture, LBGTQ pride or commemorate victims of police murder and racially targeted violence. For instance, in Olympia, Washington, the then-leader of Capital City Pride, Anna Schlecht, woke up one morning in October 2021 to news that the group鈥檚 Pride mural had been destroyed.

鈥淚mmediately, Capital City Pride mobilized a team of painters to fully restore the mural to its original condition. This was essential, given that the mural had become one of the most beloved murals in Olympia, having been originally painted in 2014 as a statement against hate crimes across the street at a gay bar,鈥 Schlecht wrote in an email.

Patriot Front members regularly engage in intimidation and vandalism in public. In private, Patriot Front members use racial slurs, idolize Adolf Hitler and share violent imagery about Black people, migrants, 人兽性交 people, and Jews.

Hatewatch investigations have also revealed how Patriot Front鈥檚 national leadership often coordinates the group鈥檚 activities, delegating them to local chapter leaders to carry out. Patriot Front鈥檚 members also create racist flyers and stencils and drop large banners over highway overpasses bearing slogans promoting their extremist worldview. Patriot Front leverages their public activities to create propaganda videos and generate buzz online.

Patriot Front鈥檚 propaganda circulates tenets of white supremacist dogma, including聽the 鈥済reat replacement鈥 theory and so-called 鈥racial realism.鈥 The great replacement theory holds, erroneously, that white Americans and their culture are being deliberately replaced by nonwhite groups in a coordinated conspiracy. Racial realism relies on long-debunked science to claim that biological differences between racial groups exist and correlate to one鈥檚 personality and intellect.

Great replacement theory and racial realism are often used as examples of 鈥渟tochastic terrorism,鈥 鈥 a style of extremist rhetoric that stops short of criminal incitement, according to Andrew Vitek, assistant teaching professor of political science at Penn State University. Stochastic terrorism is not criminal incitement because the rhetoric leaves out specific actions that need to be taken. Instead, stochastic terrorism strongly implies a response is needed to solve an urgent problem.

鈥淓lements of far-right ideology are uniquely tailored for acting as stochastic terrorism 鈥 [because] it鈥檚 almost always phrased in defensive terms. For example, 鈥榳e are under attack. The Constitution is under attack. Western civilization is under attack. We need to protect our people. We need to protect our children, our women,鈥 all of this stuff. It鈥檚 an ideology more easily able to prompt a kind of response pattern than other types of ideologies simply because it is phrased in such defensive terms. You get people thinking in terms of, 鈥極K, we鈥檙e under attack. I need to respond. I need to actually do something about that.鈥 And that鈥檚 been an element of far-right extremist ideology even since the Nazis,鈥 Vitek said in an interview.

Since 2018, Patriot Front has outpaced by 10 to 1 other groups posting racist propaganda.

Early flag of the United States with 13 stars

An early flag of the United States (also known as a 鈥淏etsy Ross Flag鈥), 19th century.

Credit: Interfoto/Alamy Stock Photo
Person holding early American flag with 13 stars

A man with a Betsy Ross flag in Michigan鈥檚 state capital Lansing on Sunday, January 17, 2021.

Credit: Nora Savosnick/Alamy News
Person with megaphone with Patriot Front members holding flags in background

A member of white supremacist group Patriot Front makes a speech in front of the Boston Public Library as they march through the city of Boston on July 2, 2022.

Credit: MediaNews Group/Boston Herald via Getty Images

In its propaganda, Patriot Front eschews imagery like the Nazi swastika and Black Sun that were popular with some of the hate groups that preceded them, instead opting for upside-down American flags and Betsy Ross鈥檚 1777 flag representing America鈥檚 13 original colonies.

鈥淲e fly the 13 Star of the Nation鈥檚 banner, the banner that adorned our nation before the existence of the current state, or any state we would recognize, so it then represents the people, our people,鈥 Rousseau said in an interview on a far-right podcast.

The 人兽性交鈥檚 Michael Edison Hayden contributed to this timeline.

Top Photo by Zach D Roberts/NurPhoto via Getty Images

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