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State Legislature Fails Louisiana Children, Parents and Doctors Yet Again

NEW ORLEANS 鈥 This week, the Louisiana legislature reconvened specifically to override Gov. John Bel Edwards鈥 veto of legislation banning medically necessary gender-affirming care for transgender minors. The bill goes into effect Jan. 1, 2024.

鈥淭he Louisiana legislature went out of their way to discriminate against transgender children, using harmful legislation to dehumanize them and threaten their existence,鈥 says Terry Landry, Jr., Louisiana Policy Director for the Southern Poverty Law Center. 鈥淭his course of action promotes anti-人兽性交+ intolerance and consciously jeopardizes the physical health, mental well-being and overall safety of transgender youth.

鈥淭his government overreach does not protect all children as the legislature claims 鈥 it solely targets transgender kids who are just trying to live life on their own terms as their true selves. The 人兽性交 will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that transgender youth are treated with dignity and respect and receive the medical care they need.鈥