New federal charges lodged against supremacist leader
New federal charges lodged against supremacist leader
According to Peter Brimelow, the most important issues in the presidential election were not the war in Iraq and the economic crisis, but immigration and race.
The Klan leader didn't know his followers attacked a young man while on a recruiting mission. So how can he be held responsible?
After a closed-door trial, a Moscow court found seven teenaged racist skinheads guilty of murdering 20 immigrants during a yearlong killing spree.
A spreadsheet containing the names and personal information of British National Party members was leaked on the Internet, causing a major embarrassment for the neofascist political party. Nick Griffin, the BNP's longtime leader, called the leak "a nasty piece of intimidation."
At age 70, David Irving, the world's most infamous and intransigent Holocaust denier, continues to flirt with more prison time in a series of European nations over his revisionist claims about World War II. And he is not alone.
Forced out as an Arizona state representative after eight years because of term limits, immigrant-bashing legislator Russell Pearce was elected to the state Senate in November. A Republican from Mesa, Pearce defeated his Democratic opponent by getting 56% of the vote.
Nativist murders hit areas known for anti-immigration politics
A crew from the American Front, a Sacramento, Calif.-based gang of racist skinheads led by David Lynch, traveled to Walt Disney World in Florida, where they doubtless shocked other visitors as they sieg-heiled their way down the Splash Mountain flume ride.
Women of the gay-bashing Westboro Baptist Church say they're just ‘loving their neighbor' when they predict he'll burn in hell