Video-sharing websites like YouTube have become the hottest new venue for extremist propaganda and recruitment
Video-sharing websites like YouTube have become the hottest new venue for extremist propaganda and recruitment
In the latest disaster to hit the American radical right, Kevin Alfred Strom, the founder of National Vanguard and a major neo-Nazi leader for nearly 20 years, has been arrested and charged with child pornography and witness tampering.
As the anti-immigration movement grows even more vitriolic, the Intelligence Project identifies 144 'nativist extremist' groups
A former Customs officer discusses life, death and vigilantism on the Mexican border. Lee Morgan doesn’t like what he sees
From his base in Brussels, a Belgian webmaster is running some of Europe's leading hate sites. He also may be breaking the law
A civil jury in Linden, Texas, today awarded approximately $9 million in damages to Billy Ray Johnson, a mentally disabled black man who was taunted, knocked unconscious and dumped along a desolate road by four white men in September 2003.
A civil jury in Linden, Texas, today awarded approximately $9 million in damages to Billy Ray Johnson, a mentally disabled black man who was taunted, knocked unconscious and dumped along a desolate road by four white men in September 2003.