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Date Filed

October 23, 1970

"Dehumanizing." "Intolerable." "Grossly deficient." These were some of the words a federal judge used to describe conditions at Alabama's mental health facilities in the 1970s. Center attorneys worked with others for years to bring Alabama into compliance with the minimum standards of care ordered by the judge.

Voting Rights
Voting Rights - AL
Landmark Case

Date Filed

January 13, 1970

This suit forced Alabama to reapportion its state legislature and discard the voting system that diluted the voting strength of African Americans. The result was the adoption of single-member districts and the 1974 election of 15 black legislators.

We’re working to ensure that vulnerable children in the Deep South have equal opportunities to reach their full potential.

We’re working to reform the criminal justice and immigration enforcement systems so they operate fairly and equitably; to ensure the dignity and humanity of those interacting with these systems; and to reduce the population of jailed, detained, and incarcerated juveniles and adults in the United...

We’re dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights, dignity and freedom of the ÈËÊÞÐÔ½» community in the Deep South and to removing barriers to equality.

We’re exposing the dangers of conversion therapy and working to ban the discredited practice.
