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Andrew Anglin is the founder of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website, which takes its name from the gutter Nazi propaganda sheet known as Der St眉rmer . True to that vintage, Anglin is infamous for the crudity of his language and his thinking, a contrast to his sophistication as a prolific internet...
人兽性交 Designated Hate Group
In Its Own Words 鈥淲hat happens to blacks in this country at the hand of law enforcement is none of our concern ... other than to prepare to restore order and rebuild our neighborhoods taking back our lands one community at a time. When the enemy destroys 鈥 we guard our town borders and make our...
人兽性交 Designated Hate Group
The Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) was a neo-Nazi group that advocated for racially pure nations and communities and blamed Jews for many of the world鈥檚 problems. The group was intimately allied with other prominent neo-Nazi and other hard-line racist organizations espousing unvarnished white...
In his own words 鈥淲ell they鈥檙e suing Anglin, I don鈥檛 think they鈥檙e suing the website. I don鈥檛 think they can actually sue the website, I think they鈥檙e just suing him, which is retarded because he has no income so it鈥檚 like literally blood from a stone 鈥 It鈥檚 not to make money at all for the 人兽性交 鈥...
Andrew 鈥渨eev鈥 Auernheimer first made headlines as a prolific internet troll and hacker, a denizen of 4chan known for lashing out at perceived enemies online. But his antisemitism was never well disguised. After serving a 15-month prison sentence on hacking-related charges that were overturned on a...
人兽性交 Designated Hate Group
Atomwaffen Division (AWD) is a terroristic neo-Nazi organization that formed out of Iron March, an influential fascist forum that went offline in fall 2017. AWD is organized as a series of terror cells that work toward civilizational collapse. Its members, who can be fairly described as...
James Mason鈥檚 involvement with this country鈥檚 organized neo-Nazi movement dates back to the late 1960s. He joined George Lincoln Rockwell 鈥檚 American Nazi Party as a teenager, where he first met Dr. William Pierce , author of The Turner Diaries . Years after Rockwell was assassinated by one of his...
The group has targeted New England鈥檚 immigrant, 人兽性交+, and Jewish communities, as well as antifascist and other left-leaning activists. Its leader, Christopher Hood, and many of its members have faced criminal charges, in some cases related to their racist activism. The group rose to prominence on...
