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Features and Stories
April 19, 2018

When Wilhen Hill Barrientos filed a complaint for being forced to work while he was sick, officers put him in medical segregation for chicken pox, a diagnosis that seemed unlikely since he'd contracted it as a child. 

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

Radical lawyer Kyle Bristow has started a new foundation that aims to become the legal arm of the racist radical right

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

The campaign language of the man who would become president sparks hate violence, bullying, before and after the election

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

Last December, an armed, 28-year-old North Carolina man stormed into a Washington, D.C., pizza parlor called Comet Ping-Pong, bent on investigating the stories he’d heard about it being part of a child sex-slavery ring closely tied to the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. Before it was over, Edgar Welch had fired a shot that harmed no one, but terrified restaurant customers and staff alike.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 15, 2017

The radical right was more successful in entering the political mainstream last year than in half a century. How did it happen?

Features and Stories
February 03, 2017

Barak Goodman’s new documentary, is far and away the best treatment, in print or on film, of the 1995 bombing that left 168 people dead. It is accurate, revealing, smart in its analysis, and studiously avoids the temptation to go down the countless rabbit trails blazed by clueless conspiracy theorists.

January 31, 2017

When President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 on Liberty Island, he had no doubt about the perniciousness of the law that it was replacing. The 1924 Immigration Act, which imposed a racist quota system favoring Northern European whites, was a "cruel and enduring wrong," a "harsh injustice" and "un-American in the highest sense," .

November 14, 2016

Hate crimes against Muslims surged by 67% during 2015, according to new statistics released by the FBI on Sunday. The rise, far higher than in any other major category of hate crimes, came during a year marked by news of atrocities by the Islamic State and Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric.
