The unsolved murders of two undocumented immigrants near Eloy, Ariz., this spring, coupled with four remarkably similar killings in the same area in 2007, have pointed to a possible vigilante campaign to murder Latino border crossers, according to the Fall 2012 issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report, released today.
In the end, it came down in line with prior precedent. The Supreme Court, ruling in late June on the Arizona law that set off a tsunami of ugly legislation aimed at undocumented immigrants, affirmed decades of settled law, saying the federal government — not states or cities — has the right to control immigration policy.
The National Alliance was once the most important hate group in America. Now, 10 years after the death of its founder William Pierce, the once-pow- erful Alliance has been reduced to nearly complete irrelevance, although that hasn’t stopped its recent recruits from engaging in at least a dozen mur- ders and a range of other crimes.
Yesterday’s attack on the Family Research Council and the shooting of a security guard there was a tragedy.
Now, more than ever, we must work together to protect the values that ensure a fair and inclusive future for all.