New book from former presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan cites racist literature
New book from former presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan cites racist literature
When Holocaust "revisionists" gathered in Moscow for a major conference in January, they got a dose of the usual and also a dollop of the bizarre.
Extremist politicians have been making waves — and winning a surprising amount of support — in local and statewide elections across the country.
As "chief trial counsel" for the Southern Legal Resource Center, flamboyant Kirk Lyons has made a name for himself as the legal champion of the neo-Confederate movement.
Lake High, former chairman of South Carolina League of the South, defects
Glayde Whitney, academic racist and active member the Council of Conservative Citizens, dies
The organized anti-immigration 'movement,' increasingly in bed with racist hate groups, is dominated by one man, John Tanton.
Louis Beam, revolutionary leader, fire-breathing orator and racist strategist par excellence, could be facing his waterloo.
Behind shortwave hate radio is a group of entrepreneurial station owners who claim they love free speech
The Aryan Nations, long a top neo-Nazi group, is homeless, split, accused of blackmail, and in jeopardy of irrelevance