Anti-immigration groups claim that immigrants over-utilize government services, increase unemployment, bring diseases and degrade the environment. But studies from an array of groups show otherwise.
Anti-immigration groups claim that immigrants over-utilize government services, increase unemployment, bring diseases and degrade the environment. But studies from an array of groups show otherwise.
Behind the recent upswing in anti-immigration activism are an array of groups. Most of these groups work together and their leaders frequently hold cross-membership in several organizations at once.
Statements by old-line hate groups and more 'mainstream' organizations often show similar ideologies despite the groups' other differences.
A French novel, The Camp of the Saints, has become the favorite racist fantasy of the anti-immigrant movement in the US. Published by The Social Contract Press, the book is revered by American white supremacists.
With the American economy on unsteady legs, anti-immigration groups promote vigilantism.
Intolerance and racial hatred are still spreading despite worldwide efforts to combat intolerance.
View a timeline of gay-hater Fred Phelps' life, politics, and use of lawsuits and heavy-handed tactics to harass an entire Kansas city.
Kirk D. Lyons was elected at the SCV's August convention as a representative of the "Army of Northern Virginia Department."
Long-time white supremacist David Duke allegedly defrauded supporters and channeled political funds to his own personal use.
Alex Curtis, a white supremacist, has been indicted on several counts of conspiring to violate civil rights.