Spurred by developments in the Middle East and elsewhere, worldwide anti-Semitic violence spiked up sharply in 2000.
Spurred by developments in the Middle East and elsewhere, worldwide anti-Semitic violence spiked up sharply in 2000.
With the neo-Nazi Aryan Nations on the ropes, a Pennsylvanian named August Kreis may be making a bid for power.
Mattias Gardell, a Swedish expert on right-wing extremism, says that racist Odinism is the up-and-coming radical religion of the future.
Richard J. Cotter, a pillar of the establishment, leaves a small fortune to the neo-Nazi right, shocking many who knew him.
Inside Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church complex, where the extended Phelps family lives and disseminates its hatred.
David Goldman, long-time monitor of Internet hate sites, argues that these sites are less important to extremists than is commonly believed.
Jeff Berry, leader of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, is charged with five felonies.
Former members of the Aryan Nations have formed a rival white supremacist group to challenge Butler.
'Black metal' music has gone from a rebellious adolescent genre to a scene increasingly affiliated with neo-Nazism and murder.
'National socialist black metal' music isn't available in most record stores, but it's on the Net — if it hasn’t already sold out.