The death of Matthew Shepard casts a light on the disproportionate likelihood of hate violence against members of the gay community.
The death of Matthew Shepard casts a light on the disproportionate likelihood of hate violence against members of the gay community.
Shocked by the appearance of neo-Nazi Skinheads on the streets of her hometown of Eugene, Ore., Michele Lefkowith began working with anti-racist groups seven years ago.
The story of Chevie Kehoe and his family spans many states and years, and leaves a trail of death.
The chilling events of the Kehoe saga are detailed chronologically in this thorough list.
An African-American teenager was denied school enrollment simply because she was homeless. The Center immediately sued, and "Penny Doe" was soon enrolled in school. The case was settled with officials adopting policies to ensure compliance with federal law.
View the signers of the 'defensive action statement,' a proclamation that violence is justifiable in the extremists' fight to end abortion.
Learn who's behind the far-right broadcasts creating an alternative, extremist media.
Felecia Sanderson, wife of murdered police officer Robert 'Sande' Sanderson, discusses how her life has changed after her husband's death in the Birmingham clinic bombing.
The judgment against neo-Nazi William Pierce for his part in helping the COTC evade payment for the death of Harold Mansfield stands.
Three men face possible terms of life in prison after being arrested for allegedly planning to assassinate President Clinton and other government officials using a cactus thorn coated with a deadly toxin.