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James Lindsay regularly shares conspiracy theories about the supposed communist takeover of the world (especially the United States), promotes 鈥済roomer鈥 rhetoric against the 人兽性交 community and spreads the 鈥渨hite genocide鈥 theory that Marxists want to eradicate the white race. With alarmism and...
Michael Boldin is the founder and executive director of the Tenth Amendment Center (TAC), an organization that favors 鈥渘ullification鈥 of federal laws it considers unconstitutional. Founded in 2007, the TAC is based on an expansive reading of the Tenth Amendment, which says that those 鈥減owers not...
Joseph Farah runs WorldNetDaily, one of the most unhinged far-right 鈥渘ews鈥 sites on the Internet.WND specializes in anti-Obama 鈥渂irtherism,鈥 wild accusations against LGBT people, anti-Muslim rhetoric and a huge dose of just plain lunacy, such as a six-part series that made the claim that eating soy...
Since the founding of the far-right radio and internet conspiracy website Infowars, Alex Jones has made a name for himself peddling wild antigovernment conspiracy theories. Jones鈥 most notable conspiracies revolve around national tragedies and terrorist attacks he labels as 鈥渇alse flag鈥 operations...
Chuck Baldwin, a 35-year Florida 鈥済uns and God鈥 pastor and a leader in the antigovernment 鈥淧atriot鈥 movement, moved his apocalyptic mission to Montana in 2010, forming a new church in a burgeoning center for antigovernment and white supremacist extremists. Baldwin鈥檚 arrival in the Flathead Valley,...
Among his wild pronouncements as director of Accuracy in Media (AIM) are the claims that global warming is a scam perpetrated by the 鈥渞eligious left,鈥 that President Obama is a socialist Muslim, and that Marxist elements have hijacked the Roman Catholic Church in order to facilitate a 鈥渇oreign...
The core idea of Elmer Stewart Rhodes鈥 group, the Oath Keepers , is that its members vow to support the oaths they took on joining law enforcement or the military to defend the Constitution forever and the group鈥檚 own list of 10 鈥淥rders We Will Not Obey.鈥 The list is a compendium of perceived,...
A veteran of the 1990s militia movement, when he headed a group called the Sons of Liberty, Vanderboegh in 2008 co-founded another Patriot group, the Three Percenters, who vow to resist gun control laws with force if necessary. In more recent years, Vanderboegh has remained just as inflammatory on...
James Timothy Turner is an antigovernment 鈥渟overeign citizen鈥 and the former president of the Republic for the united States of America (RuSA), once the largest sovereign group in America. Like many sovereigns, Turner spent years peddling theories on 鈥渕ortgage relief,鈥 which in fact were simply...
Larry Klayman is a pathologically litigious attorney and professional gadfly notorious for suing everyone from Iran鈥檚 Supreme Leader to his own mother. He has spent years denouncing Barack Obama as a crypto-Communist Muslim, convening meaningless 鈥渃itizens grand juries,鈥 and railing against an...
Tom DeWeese has built a career of issuing scary warnings about Agenda 21, a completely voluntary United Nations set of principles for sustainable resource management. Where others see sensible environmental guidelines, DeWeese finds sinister land-grabbing socialist UN initiatives that threaten...
Larry Pratt stands at the intersection of guns and Jesus, lobbying for absolutely unrestricted distribution of firearms while advocating a theocratic society based upon Old Testament civil and religious laws. A pivotal figure in the rise of right-wing militia, or 鈥淧atriot,鈥 groups, he spoke at the...
Cody Wilson鈥檚 trip down the rabbit hole of radical thought began in the aftermath of several mass shooting incidents. It led him to a confrontation with the U.S. State Department and positioned him as a merchant whose products exist solely to render moot any kind of gun safety regulation. The...
KrisAnne Hall is an antigovernment lawyer and activist in Florida who describes herself as a 鈥渃onstitutional attorney.鈥 Hall runs a business called Constitutional Education and Consulting and travels the country preaching that U.S. citizens do not need to comply with the government. She also heads...
A former leader in U.S. intelligence and a former Army lieutenant general, Michael Flynn has become a central figure in keeping alive the false narrative that the 2020 election was stolen. With a history of anti-Muslim rhetoric, Flynn has become a spreader of multiple anti-democratic conspiracy...