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Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
October 26, 2006

En Georgia, estado al que han llegado cerca de 1 millón de inmigrantes hispanos desde 1990, se está incrementando el odio y violencia originados por la xenofobia

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 21, 2004

Read about the intellectuals and ideas that have shaped the core of the modern neo-Confederate movement.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 21, 2004

Who was Nathan Bedford Forrest, the man now lauded as the top hero of neo-Confederate activists? A military genius? A brutal bully? Or both?

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 21, 2004

The same day that he led a successful anti-Semitic rally at Valley Forge, Penn., National Socialist Movement commander Jeff Schoep was exposed as an unemployed petty criminal in his local paper.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 21, 2004

Though Wal-Mart deems Sheryl Crow and gay-interest magazines unfit for its shelves, its website sells racist novels and neo-Confederate literature.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 21, 2004

Neo-Nazi music label Panzerfaust is out to recruit kids with its hard-rock CD sampler — a CD full of racist music now being distributed to schoolchildren free of charge.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 21, 2004

According to authorities in Tennessee, ex-National Guard soldier and neo-Nazi Ivan Duane Braden planned to take over the local armory and murder hostages before he turned himself over to a mental institution.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 21, 2004

The First Amendment protects hatemongers' racist beliefs. So how can prosecutors introduce evidence of racism at trial?


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