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Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

Proving yet again that a black president is simply too much for some of them to handle, three right-wing conspiracy theorists in July and August broadcast racially charged hypotheses about supposed federal government plots to keep the white man down.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

In 1998, the murder of James Byrd Jr. tore open racial wounds in East Texas. Now, controversy is reopening those wounds

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

Youth for Western Civilization (YWC) has long cultivated relationships with white nationalist organizations. Now, the group appears to be forging ties with the League of the South (LOS).

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

It wasn’t much of a surprise, after more than a year of heated anti-Muslim rhetoric, that the 10th anniversary of 9/11 brought out some of the worst in American bigotry.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

Lynx and Lamb Gaede were twin pop sensations for all the wrong reasons. Their songs dealt with overt white nationalist themes, and even their band, Prussian Blue, was a reference to the distinctive color of Zyklon B residue in the Nazi gas chambers.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

The white supremacist who last January planted a backpack bomb along the route of a Martin Luther King Jr. Day unity parade in Spokane, Wash., pleaded guilty on Sept. 7 in federal court, five days before his trial was set to begin.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

At least we can cross one item off our national list of worries: Exhaustive research by an international team of researchers has proved conclusively that our president is not the Antichrist.


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